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  1. T

    My NL AutoFlower started Flowering BUT they seem to have some Problems - PICS Inside

    Hey guys, My AutoFlower Northen Lights,bought from Nirvana and grown 24/7 under 4 CFLs X 26W (6400k) and they started flowering after about 1 -1 and half months. I managed to get them here,without any ventilation beside 2 small holes in the Growbox due to noise. Now,they seem to have some...
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    Northen Lights - First Grow - Should I LST them now? Pics inside :D

    Considering the shape and size they have now,what yield would u estimate per plant? 5-10g?
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    Northen Lights - First Grow - Should I LST them now? Pics inside :D

    I forgot to ask ,do you think they're showing signs of flowering now?
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    Northen Lights - First Grow - Should I LST them now? Pics inside :D

    I know that auto's seems to flower on themselves,but i saw a lot of people on this forum changing to 12/12 when they wanted to make them flower. cheers
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    Northen Lights - First Grow - Should I LST them now? Pics inside :D

    Guys, Do you think they started flowering?This is my first grow,and I really don't know if that's it or are just small new branches. Considering they're nl autoflower,if they started flowering now,should i change them to 12/12 or let them on 24/7 ?
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    Northen Lights - First Grow - Should I LST them now? Pics inside :D

    Hey guys,I haven't watered them for 2 days now,and I'm planning to do it tomorow. The problem with whitening leaves seems to be getting worser on 1 plant,check out this pic.Damn,and she's so beautifull :( I assumed that it might've been...
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    Northen Lights - First Grow - Should I LST them now? Pics inside :D

    Hello, Thanks for helping me out! I usually water them once in 24-48 hours,depending on volume.I try as much as possible to avoid over-watering as I saw around the forum.You think I should water them more often?The temp is around 25 degree's celsius. Regarding the discoloration,check the top...
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    Northen Lights - First Grow - Should I LST them now? Pics inside :D

    Hope I'll manage to get them to harvest without it. Today I noticed that the tops of 2 of my plants leaves started getting really bright,and It dosen't look healthy,so I assumed that I had the lights too close,and I moved them a little further. It could be because of the lights? Also,I see...
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    Northen Lights - First Grow - Should I LST them now? Pics inside :D

    Thanks for comming back! Damn,I haven't took in consideration the roots damage when I done the LST,but I hope this time I managed to do it without any damages.I guess there's no reason to secure the bottom part of the root now? I've read about alluminium foil creating hot spots aswell,but It...
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    Northen Lights - First Grow - Should I LST them now? Pics inside :D

    Ok guys,thank you verry much for your advices. I just tied them down about 24h ago,and now I took some pictures. Can you take a look,and see if I done everything right? Is there anything I should worry about? I also added some aluminium foil so more light will get reflected. Any Advices...
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    Northen Lights - First Grow - Should I LST them now? Pics inside :D

    Hello, This is my first grow and I choosed NL because most people seems to like it. Hoewer,my plants are smaller,they have about 1 month and a few days.At that moment,my growbox wasn't finished,and they stayed in my closet with no lights,maybe temp lower then 20c and they grew pretty tall...