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    4 week pictures need help

    all i use is miracle grow, and water. to tell you the truth. this is kinda like my practice growth.
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    4 week pictures need help

    and where do i get the HPS lights?
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    4 week pictures need help

    does my plant look like its the right time to start flowering?
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    4 week pictures need help

    im gonna post some pictures at 4 1/2 weeks. and i have some questions 1. whats the perfect way to flower what kind of light 3. and how do i do it? please give details.
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    4 week pictures

    whats the perfect way to flower like what kind of light and how do i do it? please give details.
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    4 week pictures

    tell me what you think. ok i need to know when its ok to start flowering. and i know its stretched but odes it look good for 4 to 5 weeks? and also. does it look like its ready to flower? :peace: <3 :joint:
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    3 weeks in, you wanted new pictures

    some one say something.
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    3 week pictures (ak-47)

    yall wanted new pictures. i transplanted, and cut some leaves of. changed the light. tell me what you think. :peace:<3:joint:
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    3 weeks in, you wanted new pictures

    its been a week, since my plant was all bad looking, i gave it new light, and transplanted it, tell me what you think, i know it looks bad for three weeks, but it looks alot better to me, there were more pictures, but they wont upload, this is all i have.
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    2 week pictures

    thanks i added two more lights and a fan. in about another week i will take another picture. thanks
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    2 week pictures

    i dont think the pictures are working, gimme your e-mail and ill send them to you.
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    2 week pictures

    alright ive been growing this plant indoor for about two weeks, i am wondering does it look good for two weeks, cause the stem isnt very strong, it cant stand up on its own. click the attachments for pictures. :peace: <3 :joint:
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    alright so i know, that you can induce flowering but putting it in 12/12. what happeneds when you do it to early?
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    i have this plant growing.for about 2 weeks now. its about 6 inches tall, but few leaves. how soon can i begin to flower, to establish the sex. and also how soon after flowering can i tell if tis male or female? please help. :peace: <3 :joint:
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    Problems already!

    you should probelly back off the light for a little while. water, and leave in darkness for 24 hours. this should restore the plant a help.
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    help growing my mids plant

    alright. i have been going my mids plant with four 65 wat bulbs in a closet with ten foil around the box to absorb more light. its been growing for about two weeks.its not very sturdy, but very green. and has six very green leaves sprouting up. its been about two weeks. its about 4-6 inches...