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  1. Dumielson

    Bud Porn>>> Outdoor Purple Sativas from Telluride

    What you got growing in your garden right now, Meast007?
  2. Dumielson

    Bud Porn>>> Outdoor Purple Sativas from Telluride

    Whatup man, yea, can't stoppppppp :fire:
  3. Dumielson

    Bud Porn>>> Outdoor Purple Sativas from Telluride

    This is the second plant. Same deal with the soil mix, and compost teas. This girl was stinky already at this stage. This plant had really tight internodes, even while most of the plants growin around it were leggy. A+ :weed: Here she is a couple weeks into flower, it's nice to see...
  4. Dumielson

    Bud Porn>>> Outdoor Purple Sativas from Telluride

    Greetings Here's some shots from a couple differant sativa-leaning hybrids grown from bagseed collected over the years in Telluride, CO. Plants were grown with blood and bone meal blended in my soil mix, and watered with compost tea, in a cheap greenhouse in Socal. :leaf: It all starts with...
  5. Dumielson

    Hello Everyone!

    Hi Maggy D
  6. Dumielson

    Hello from Madtown Wi

    Whats up Madison, beautiful little town you got there! Chicago native here
  7. Dumielson

    The Wax

    Dyson4life! LOL Thanks for the info man!
  8. Dumielson

    New Grower. New member.. help is appreciated!

    If i could interject; I wouldnt say you need to adjust nitrogen levels at all. Ive found that most clones exhibit that light green (almost yellow) coloring right around the new growth, as the new growth uncurls and grows from the plant and it always turns into a dark lush green for me. Food for...
  9. Dumielson

    New Grower. New member.. help is appreciated!

    Seems like you have everything on track! Picking up clones from Dispensaries has always been hit or miss for me, so just keep that in mind. Looking forward to the show man
  10. Dumielson

    The Wax

    It looks delicious, I've achieved that bright yellow, greasy semi hard slab state before without vaccuum purge. But, i'm quite curious, which vacuum are you using twitch? Thanks
  11. Dumielson

    Hi people

    Mmmmmmm Sativas I just joined too Steve. I'm Mike. You're really gonna love growing weed. It's gonna be great to smoke all that fine greenery, but I bet you end up enjoying growing it more than anything. Its so fuunnnnnn Later duder
  12. Dumielson

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I love to grow WEED!

    Hello All - I'm looking forward to shooting the shit with everyone here. :hug: A little about myself; I've been growing on and off for a decade, currently reside in Socal, and love growing 10 footers! Been lurking (and absorbing info) in Mariguana growing forums since the Overgrow days...