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  1. B

    Pest Problem

    thanx ill try to find my beetle on the list
  2. B

    Pest Problem

    Ok so I had this one white spot, almost like splattered paint, on one of my fan leaves but never thoguht much of it because it was only the one and never popped up anywhere else. Today I found this beetle that kinda looked like a Japanese Beetle only with a brownish coloring and darker spots...
  3. B

    Club Soda VS Seltzer Water!!!!!!!!!

    i honestly have no clue but i would guess that salt is bad
  4. B

    seeds on sale

    They advertise refresh a few times its the banner right oaber the why is marijuana illegal video
  5. B

    2nd Grow looking for suggestions

    thanx for the info. how long can you keep a mother alive for, and how big does itget ordo u need to prune to keep its size in check>?
  6. B

    2nd Grow looking for suggestions

    Ok so I guess I'll start off by describing my first grow the mistakes i made then describe what I plan to do on my second grow. I have some questions and any additional suggestions on top of that are greatly apreciated!!! For my first grow I used seeds from a bag of shwag as my test run. i...