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  1. H

    To hell with Grasscity, oh and Hi!

    Well, guys. Here's what happended, about 3 months after we made the deal, he just walkss up to my house, and he's like "here's your weed man" and it was probably the best weed i've gotten. no exaggeration, mods feel free to close this threadd.
  2. H

    How come I don't blow out alot of smoke when I smoke?

    Any form, the method I get the most smoke from is joint/blunt :joint:, probably because alot of the smoke is from the paper. Bong would be second and Pipe would be third. I don't understand this at all, but when I smoke with friends around I get like a mouthful of fucking smoke. And this doesn't...
  3. H

    To hell with Grasscity, oh and Hi!

    I bet it is, you lucky bastard! I'm tempted to grow, but I don't have the equipment. Are you a medical user or just a grower? Growing scares me because of police and what not.
  4. H

    To hell with Grasscity, oh and Hi!

    That's what I thought! Ah, oh well, if I get shit, I get shit. Atleast there is a chance of getting weed.
  5. H

    To hell with Grasscity, oh and Hi!

    Damn man. I bet it's hard as fuck to keep up with plants. I can hardly keep my damn Aloe Vera plant alive, much less a weed plant. But in the end, I guess it's worth it?
  6. H

    what should I do with my stems

    Yeah, sometimes the stems can still contain trichromes, which are basically crystals full of thc. Stems are more commonly used for edibles/drinkables. You can make some Green Dragon with stems. Green dragon is liquour and weed. It's great.
  7. H

    To hell with Grasscity, oh and Hi!

    Hopefully the mods aren't fucking stupid here, but I like you friend. Lucky you, you got a damn grow room! Meanwhile I'm still dry as fuck, about to be ripped off :( Wish there was growers like you in my area.
  8. H

    To hell with Grasscity, oh and Hi!

    Nothing but a bunch of fucking teenage retards posting about "MY MOM FOUND MAH WEED" Fuck Grasscity.
  9. H

    To hell with Grasscity, oh and Hi!

    So, I posted a generally relative question on grasscity, took me about 4 fucking days to sign up, then some asshole comes along on my thread, "STUPID FUCKING QUESTION" so I told him it was a great question, you fucking asshole. Then I get banned. Forever. For discussing other drugs. What the...