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  1. F

    feel free to leave me tips. im not 100% sure of anyting im doing

    feel free to leave me tips. im not 100% sure of anyting im doing
  2. F


    any tips on checking soil ph?
  3. F


    any recomendations on brands and what not? im a noob
  4. F


    awesome. thanks for the advice i will get on that asap. but so far so good, no burning. the foil is a good distance away
  5. F


    im pretty sure the ph is what i said. i test my watter every now and then and its bottled so it sits and distills and what not. when i first started the grow i was using tap water. since i switched water and cut down on watering so much shes made a complete turn around. still growing a bit slow...
  6. F


    lol basiclly im retarded. i had an accident while transplanting and it wasnt supported enough it kind of worked it self out that way.. my first grow. also yea im using soil that feeds up to 6 months. some kind of miracle grow, i know its not the best but its what i had access to. ive got some...
  7. F


    So i guess nobody knows whats up then?
  8. F


    It's my first grow, and its only some mid but i would still like for it to be successful...I'm about 5-6 weeks into veg on my eldest plants. no nutes, just potting soil and pearlite mix. im using 2 cfl bulbs (60 watts i believe) my ph is 6.4-6.5 and it doesnt get too hot. my whole house...
  9. F


    It's my first grow, and its only some mid but i would still like for it to be successful...I'm about 5-6 weeks into veg on my eldest plants. no nutes, just potting soil and pearlite mix. im using 2 cfl bulbs (60 watts i believe) my ph is 6.4-6.5 and it doesnt get too hot. my whole house stays...