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  1. Rain Dancer

    First Time- God's Gift

    Well fellow marijuana lovers I potted Fred and George before coming to work and gave them 3 oz water (3 shot glasses full) near but not on the stem to make sure the water actually gets to the roots. Fred was a little root bound so maybe that is what was my leaf wrinkling issue and not the Ph of...
  2. Rain Dancer

    First Time- God's Gift

    Will be posting pictures soon as I can master the camera. I'm appearently techno-tarded with this camera and I don't think it likes my house lights very much. I have funky lightbulbs in the fixtures and it's making all the pictures come out white washed. Will return in a few hours with pictures!
  3. Rain Dancer

    First Time- God's Gift

    Went in and checked the plants and now the tables have turned- George is down to a few white powdery spots on one leaf while Fred has some serious wrinkling going on on some of the older leaves. I haven't given them any nutrients or done anything different so maybe the Ph in my water is off? I...
  4. Rain Dancer

    First Time- God's Gift

    Randomly went in and checked the plants somewhere in the ballpark of 3am- found George exactly the same as I'd left her, little faintly powdery spots no bigger and none have appeared on any new leaves but Fred looked a little unhappy. No discoloration anywhere and has been growinbg steadily but...
  5. Rain Dancer

    First Time- God's Gift

    To geelong I thought maybe bugs too and I have been checked out both the girls really closely several times a day to check for bugs and havent found any yet so I think it's safe to say if I havent found a bug yet it's safe to say that there's no bugs to be found. Unless perhaps the bugs have a...
  6. Rain Dancer

    First Time- God's Gift

    So this morning we go check on Fred and George and find these little spots of really fine white powder on a few of George's bigger leaves. Nothing on Fred and I moved her a little bit further away from George but I'm not sure what it is. I've seen the normal white powdery mildew and this doesn't...
  7. Rain Dancer

    First Time- God's Gift

    To geelong Thank you! You too!
  8. Rain Dancer

    First Time- God's Gift

    To oscart47 Thanks for the tip! I'm looking up a few more things about r/o filters and how to use them but it sounds like something I would like to use, depending on the cost (this is currently a low budget grow until other life nonesense works out) and how many other minerals I would need to...
  9. Rain Dancer

    Barneys farm blue cheese

    Hope your plants are much happier by morning- really sucks about the under-watering (I'm afraid of doing the exact same thing myself ) but that's great about the clones. I hear that's not as easy as it looks, cutting clones that is. And thanks for posting on my journal :)
  10. Rain Dancer

    First Time- God's Gift

    George lives! At least so far. I ended up getting ahold of the orginal grower again, with no small effort by the way, and he told me that he's seen that before- I sent him probably to many pictures to make sure he could see it right when I asked his help (haha)- but recommended simply trimming...
  11. Rain Dancer

    First Time- God's Gift

    To 71bigcat Thanks! :) Hopefully things don't go to screwy on me- fingers crossed.
  12. Rain Dancer

    Very first grow cfl Jordan of the Islands-Dutch Treat

    If the leaves started yellowing near the bottom them it could be a nitrogen issue? No experience with the issue myself just yet but a friend of mine told me about his plants turning yellow from the lower leaves and it was a nitrogen defficiancy(sp?) in the soil that caused the problem. Also...
  13. Rain Dancer

    Ace of Spades CFL First Grow

    So far as I know you won't mess anything up by having some other plants in there but I think it would also depend on what sort of extra plants you want. A friend of mine kept a little culinary herb garden in the back corner of her tent and had no problems but she also put in a CO2 bag to make...
  14. Rain Dancer

    First Time- God's Gift

    To oscart47 I'm going to be using Happy Frog organic soil when I re-pot Fred and George but for now theyre still sitting in what they came in. An r/o filter? Reverse Osmosis filter right? I'll google it cause I've never used one before- does it do anything for the Ph of the water? I only ask...
  15. Rain Dancer

    First Time- God's Gift

    To CrispyGrowing I havent checked the Ph of the soil yet. That was the plan but then my Ph meter has been acting all funky and won't calibrate... or I'm doing it wrong somehow- havent figured that one out. They're still in the same soil they came in though, I havent put them in new pots yet...
  16. Rain Dancer

    First Time- God's Gift

    Came home today and Goerge has some discoloration on a few of the leaves. Can't tell if the discoloration is on all the new growth but judging from the newest leaves I can really see with any certainty there is some very pale green-ish, white-ish, yellow-ish sort of chemical burn looking deal...
  17. Rain Dancer

    First Time- God's Gift

    Just came across that rule of thumb ' if it's dry 3 inches down then it's time to water again' so I'm going home to check on Fred and George and lets hope my girls arent bone dry!
  18. Rain Dancer

    Common Growing mistakes made by the new marijuana grower

    I'm not totally unfamiliar with the growing process but this is the first time I have had my own plants. I have two clones of God's Gift that I just picked up yesterday- I have only watered them (one chot glass per plant at a time since I'm trying to not overwater but is a shot glass at a time...
  19. Rain Dancer

    Welcome New Members!

    Greetings fellow Earth residents and Aunt Mary relatives! I'm fairly new to the growing process though I have had a little bit of experience here and there over the years from friends and family that were growing and let me see their plants, do a little watering ect but I've gotten a few things...
  20. Rain Dancer

    First Time- God's Gift

    Using a 400 watt hooded light in a 5 x 5 grow tent with a 4 in. size fan (going to the next size up on my next paycheck) with the noise clamp and the filter all hooked up. Got 2 clones of God's Gift- will post pictures later when I remember where I put the camcorder cable. Have no fear, I will...