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  1. ladylysiab

    Are my babies boys or girls?

    Cant see really. Take a pic of the plant from the bottom lookin up to the top... If ur plant has something looking like little banana clusters then its a male. If no clusters then u have ur self A BABY GIRL.
  2. ladylysiab

    purple plants

    It seems to be a fine line between genetics and deficiencies... best bet if ur wanting colors of any sort it would be best to keep temp between 65-70. Anything more is up to the plant.... good luck....
  3. ladylysiab

    flowering stage

    it might be that ur not using a strong enough light. Have u changed ur light cycle? need more info on wat ur using and wat u have. u no...
  4. ladylysiab

    favorite fruity strains?

    I got this purple gorilla I cant seem to find mutch info on other than its mother was a strain by the name purple rainforest, (which my husband and I think is actually purple rain) but anyways it stays purple through and through and has an overwhelmingly strong grape smell with a slight rotten...