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  1. C

    I don't even know why..

    well its only a week old.. its my first grow so Im not sure what i'm looking for. My only problem was the leaves dying. As for growing all over the place, i mean this one has leaves growing every which way while my other ones are uniform.
  2. C

    I don't even know why..

    So only one of my plants out of 4 has an issue right now. The rest are looking pretty, a little curl in the leaves but i lifted up the lights a little for that. e.. well.. you can see yourself!. For this plant, one of the problems is obvious, another thing is, I don't get why this plant has...
  3. C

    growing slow from seed pix.

    oh yea, it says they're over watered, so yea. let it dry out a little until you water again then*
  4. C

    growing slow from seed pix.

    I think you'll be fine tbh, mine looked like that around the same time. I see the plant getting its true leaves in so give it like 3 more days for he leaves to start getting bigger. Your medium looks like its pretty saturated with water so dont water it again til its almost dry. I've been told...
  5. C

    growing slow from seed pix.

    how long has it been?:idea: