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  1. L

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Okay thanks man, I'll run to the store tomorrow to get some, I gave it a little extra water today and the drooping leaves have perked up now, the bottom yellow one is getting slightly greener, so there's only the one dead leaf that's a nuisance. Thanks again! :D
  2. L

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    My plant has been on 12/12 from seed, is just under 5 weeks old and has just started yellowing from the bottom up! :( is that anything to do with nitrogen, heat stress? or what? This LITERALLY started overnight, only one leaf was slightly yellow and when i checked them today, the one which was...
  3. L

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Hey, just looking for some info here, are the white things (circled red in the pics) white pistils? AKA signs of a female? or are they something else? the plant is just over 1 month old and is 12/12 from seed.
  4. L

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Hey HELP :P, this is about the third week almost, I'm starting to notice SLIGHT droopiness in the lower leaves... is this normal? In the pic you can see the kind of "dip" in the 2 bigger lower leaves... it might be completely fine... BUT IF this is a problem, I wanted to catch it as early as...
  5. L

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Progress so far (y) Two weeks, 2 days
  6. L

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Alright, thanks for the help, I'm gonna do some shopping real soon.
  7. L

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    I have no idea of the strain haha, it's bagseed. From the looks of the leaves it's looking more indica dominant(ish) (hopefully) but i'm not sure, once it grows a little more i should have a good idea of whether it's indica or sativa. As for the nutes, they're pretty readily available here...
  8. L

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Thanks man, it's a PC grow, I'm using 3 26w 2700k CFL's.... unfortunately I'm in the Caribbean with super limited resources :( So right now all I have is literally a seedling in a pot of planting soil, no nutes (Any suggestions on specific nutes I should get?). Because of the limited space in...
  9. L

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Just started a 12/12 from seed, any tips or suggestions? First time grow, is the plant looking normal? Days 1 - 7 Day 8...