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  1. F

    Best DWC nutrients and your reasons?

    General hydroponics. floragro, florabloom, floramicro, calimagic and nectar. as well as h202 every 2 res changes. ph stays stable, no brownish roots, perfectly healthy plants... i'll stick to those for a while
  2. F

    Discouraged from the foam... advice please!

    it's hard to tell what is causing your soapy looking foam... maybe soap residue in the pipes? Anyway I would say stick to chem nutes in DWC. You'll avoid a lot of problems. get yurself a ppm meter if you don't already have. maintaining your ppm at around 400-450 is the sweet spot and you can't...
  3. F

    Discouraged from the foam... advice please!

    my god! that's a lot of foam!! Are you using organic or chem nutes? You could also be over killing on the air stone
  4. F

    OgKush Small Buds

    Hello, what kind of medium are you using? soil? coco? DWC?
  5. F

    Yellowish spots

    Would you be able to see your ppm? When I started I didn't have one and I was puting around 1/4 to 1/2 the quantity recommended on the nutrient bottles. I thought I was fine but once I got the ppm meter and starting to have curling tips, I finaly found out I was at 450 to 500 ppm. For small...
  6. F

    DWC King's kush

    New update.. day 34 from seed (and when I say seed, I say the moment I put the seeds in the scottowel ;) ) ppm stable around 400. meaning the plants are eating same amount of water and nutrients. ph constantly being maintained at 5.8 to 6.0. it stays pretty stable though. I ph down once every...
  7. F

    Yellowish spots

    Are you growing hydro? DWC? If so, you shouldn't be adding nutrient yet in your water yet. Just cal mag if you're using reverse osmosis water. If you're using tap, just make sure the ppm is not over 300-400. the curling looks like heat stress. I'm still a noob myself but I came into the same...
  8. F

    DWC King's kush

    oh! sorry! misunderstood you indeed. I think I know which post you're talking about. Not sure if it's the same strain though. But 15th week of flowering and still not done...i don't know if it's normal :/
  9. F

    DWC King's kush

    no sir! those seedlings are exactly 30 days old from seeds.
  10. F

    DWC King's kush

    hey quick update. switched to chem nutrients and all problems solved. using 125ppm water. adding up to 250ppms of calmag, then up to 400ppm with floragro, micro and bloom. Roots are growing faster than ever and they are looking great. no slime.
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    DWC King's kush

    i'll keep that in mind. It just that in my regular plants, i often find small tiny worms in the bottom of the pots.. and I hate it a lot!
  12. F

    DWC King's kush

    <-- and now today, day 23. Just switched the pots into 1 1/2 galons buckets. the nute burned plant dropped again. I water the hydroton a bit.. see what it does. So that's it so far! I'll keep you posted!
  13. F

    DWC King's kush

    I noticed little yellowish, brownish spots so at this point i started to add nutrients at around 250-300 ppms
  14. F

    DWC King's kush

    <-- around day 19-20. the nute burned plant's leaves started to curl down. Found out later it was an underwatering problem. Started to spray ph leveled water on the hydroton and after 24 hours it came out straight again <-- about day 21-22
  15. F

    DWC King's kush

    <-- day 16-17. The nute burn has stabilized since I switched to water only. You can see the other one looks ok. I guess it would be a sign both plants have different genetics..
  16. F

    DWC King's kush

    <-- after 2 weeks. I made the mistake of adding nutrients when I transfered the rockwool cubes into the hydroton. Didn't have the ppm meter back then. I was puting what the instruction said on the box but i found out later that it was putting my ppm at around 550-599.. eh... noob mistake. so I...
  17. F

    DWC King's kush

    <-- about 10 days old. You can see that the 2 plant's leaves are different even though they are supposely the same kind
  18. F

    DWC King's kush

    Greetings! So here I am...starting to grow my own weed since my supplier is unreachable. So i choose DWC because first of all I don't like soil in general. I hate bugs and I find it too dirty. Beside that I just love the concept of it... anyways, so now i'm at day 23 since I placed those...
  19. F

    Black Domina DWC

    I'm using 2 x 200w (43w) CFLs.
  20. F

    Black Domina DWC

    they look pretty good to me. But i'm still a noob so I guess it doesn't count. i'm doing DWC too and i'm at day 18. mine have less leaves than yours though