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  1. R

    tar on blunts

    wenevr i smoke blunts wit friends the end gets full of nasty stiky tar. I nevr really get the tar wen i smoke alone so im guessin its from ppl lippin the blunt but im not really sure. Wut u guys think
  2. R

    Recommend Some Things To Do While On Probation

    im on probation but i dont get drug tested becuz part of my sentencing was rehab. Im done now but while i was in evryone did dxm i even did it at 3am n then went to get tested at 4pm n pased. Also in my county the POs do mouth swabs wich r easy as hell to but just rinse your mouth out with...
  3. R

    hidin shit

    Goddam i neveer said i was growing in my houseif u would pay attention. I grow in the woods i just posted a couple of spots to hopefully help someone out in a similar situation. Thnx evryone else who commentd wit their own spots N the police didnt raid my house for weed cuz i dnt grow there...
  4. R

    hidin shit

    Just turnd 18 a month ago n havnt bin able to move out my house yet. My parents r very anti weed n used to search my room so i figuredd id just put up my best hidin spots that werent even discovered when there was a warrant for my house. I have a futon wit a covr on it n i just put it insiide...
  5. R

    weed hallucinations?

    u cn definately see shit wen u smoke I do all the time. I never used to but after tryin other types of drugs (hallucinatory, opiates, E, Etc) i started seein like movies wit my eyes closed after evry time i smoked. Just last week aftr startin smokin again aftr rehab i thought i was layin on a...
  6. R

    Whats the Deal With Street Budz?

    i hang out in the hood in ny sometimes n i got a great regs connect. It looks like dro u cnt tell the diff, gets u just as high as average dro, n is way cheaper. The point is is that the strain of plant is not always the most important factor. If your plants r getting good nutrients n light n u...
  7. R

    Favorite Videos to watch when baked!

    kenny rogers is soooooo funny wen high. I dnt watch jackass sober but the kenny rogers shit is so funny high
  8. R

    I'm Looking For Some Feedback.

    flows really nice n u use alotta wwords i would nevr think of
  9. R

    Some Of My Art..

    Nice work R.I.P.
  10. R

    Juelz Santana- Rain Drops

    dipset in the building. I like the song creep. It got i think hell rell n jr writr n serius jones n some othrs
  11. R

    Some Poetry

    like it alot man. I used to write poetry myself but it was more bout the streets n my experiences there. I really liked the flow you had.
  12. R

    My Art

    shit is amazing man really amazing. Its so interesting i could just stare t em for n hour. Good job
  13. R

    Is blueberry all that

    Maybe im not gettin the best stuff but i had bluebery exotics n lemon exotics n they smell nice but once u burn it their isnt really a noticeable blueberry taste. It tastes good but not really bluebery
  14. R

    shit highs

    wen i high i close my eyes n it like i dreamin n watch movies in my head its amazing. That wut u mean? The shittiest high is wen u gettin arrested tho that kills all highs
  15. R

    Did you ever notice somebody pretending to smoke?

    smokin wit my friends friend n he would take the smallst fukin hitz n pretend to cough n then he went around actin like n idiot so wed think he was high. Haha wut a retard this kid was humpin trees we was just laughin oir asses off cuz we wer so high n he obviously was just an idiot haha
  16. R

    dirty spliffs.

    rolld a j on new years wit a doller bill. Tasted like as but we finishd that suka anyway
  17. R

    What is your favorite place(s) to smoke?

    in nature watchin the sunset. Sounds gay but its crazy beautiful On my patio b4 goin swimmin Blunt ride with friends
  18. R

    Smoke alone or with friends?

    smoke evryday alone at least once if i smoke wit friends i smoke again aftr they leave. I just like lay back n reminisce n think crazy thoughts. Also at alotta parties kids piss me off tryin to fuk wit me so i just leave. I cnt take it wen i high i wanna drop those assholes
  19. R

    Correct inhailing

    i dnt really no but wen i first started i didnt get high at all like the first 15 times except for the 1st time so try just smokn yo ass off. It sux so bad wen u dnt get high i was just like "this fuckin blows" but itll work out if u smoke alot. Good luk
  20. R

    Every stoners needs..

    good fuckin food n drinks. I h8 wen i got shitty food to eat