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  1. G

    MY 90watt led ufo tri ban

    Nice! I've been reading through your setup, looks like the hype about leds was true. does your led light box have the wavelength of the light on the side? i'm thinking about making an led light net (looks like that C in electronics may come in handy after all!). is it 660nm?
  2. G

    price in uk now?

    greetings rollitup. havn't been smoking recently, and havn't been on here since july last year, so i'm a bit out of touch now! Since the class of marijuana in england has moved from a C to a B I was wondering if people who bought it had noticed a price increase. how much are people paying for...
  3. G

    first grow

    put 3 germinated seeds out few days ago, under a big glass bell jar. i can just hope. its getting late in the season now, so if it does yeild, it probably wont be much. fingers crossed off the topic, but i hotboxed a tent last nite :mrgreen:
  4. G

    first grow

    sorry about the late reply, been on holiday. apparently if you don't have them indoors for too long they dont accustom to the good conditions, so they dont get much shock. i also used hormone rooting powder which dramatically increases root growth, inmproving the chance of survival. im currently...
  5. G

    first grow

    arg. my plant has been completley dismantled by red ants. they have a nice nest now though. its set me back a stage. im currently making a small greenhouse. using the same seeds. Take 2
  6. G

    first grow

    Put them out yesterday :-? For the plant shelter, I used a polythene bag which I conveniently found stuck in a bush right by me. It just protects from heavy rain drops, not wind or animals, as its a sheet held up by four sticks in the ground. there isnt much wind anyway, as the forest is so...
  7. G

    first grow

    i sincerley hope that you are wrong UKcyrus, for my sake. Also, I doubt ill get any pikies nicking my dope. im planting in a christmas tree plantation. i know the guy who owns it, and he doesnt go in there apart from xmas. its really dense and its impossible to move unless you get on your hands...
  8. G

    first grow

    thats cos these have been growing indoors to the present, im moving them out tommorow. thanks for the counsel UKcyrus, and ive thought over what you've said. i live with my parents and i wanna move em out b4 they notice them. kl dome, looks like somin off mars. been planning it for a while, and...
  9. G

    first grow

    day, urm, 20 or summin like that, probably closer to 25. lookin juicy, started using miracle grow, as i thought this would get rid of that nasty yellowy brown colour, which i presumed was a nitrate deffiency. puttin em in the woods on friday. fingers crossed.
  10. G

    YES! first grow ever outdoor pics

    oi oi mr gilfman, i have a string pick with thee. whats with the noob bashing? you could have just answered the question instead of a public mockery
  11. G

    omg wow!!

    some animals hate the smell of ammonia, so get some strong bleach and squirt it around, not too close to your plants. if that doesnt work, buy an air rifle. stay there for a couple of hours, then shoot the fucker.
  12. G

    3 100 watt cfl 1 Plant is that enough??? (pic)

    vegging mine indoors then moving them out. mine were a sickly pale colour and then little yellowy brown spots started ocurring, and you don't want that. i just got a slightly stronger bulb and watered it with some diluted n-p-k solution. seems to be fine now, also their growing faster now as i...
  13. G

    First Grow with Bagseeds. How am I doing?

    what does "bagseed" mean? is it a strain?
  14. G

    first grow

    forgot to say, the leaves of one plant are going yellow and furling up. is this a nitrate deficient plant? im pretty sure its not to do with watering
  15. G

    first grow

    decided to keep posting big pictures, it will be useful when i need help identifying sex. i think their 15 days old now. im moving the one in the small pot into a bigger one in the next couple of days. just realised, i maybe shoulld have posted this thread in journals. oh well
  16. G

    first grow

    i wold have done it faster too, but i live in england and the weather has been shank, so i thought i betta grow em a bit bigger and stronger so im sure they survive. ive got a fan blowing them as it is sposed to make the stem grow thick, but im not sure if its working. Plants are starting to...
  17. G

    Growing Outdoors For $

    yeh thts wt i thought when i heard that definition. i think u just have to draw the line passed bodily changes that arnt "natural" to the body. eating vegetables is quite natural, and your body is designed to process it, and needs things in vegetables.
  18. G

    Are they ready to be put in the wild?

    what strain is this?
  19. G

    Can We Have A UK Section!!!

    yeh, i second this. growing outdoors is different in the uk, due to our great british weather. and btw northern lights, i think theres 5 different times zones in america, if i am not mistaken.
  20. G

    Outdoor competition 08, discussion thread

    sorry for the noobish questions. out door comp? who is it judged by? is it just judged by pictures? if so i might want to enter mine.