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  1. M

    South florida backyard grow advise please

    SB1250 is on the way I gotta do what I gotta do in the mean time :)
  2. M

    South florida backyard grow advise please

    If she starts growing leaves at the top of the colas does that mean she's reverting back to vegg?
  3. M

    Everyones honest opinion of Miracle Grow Soil!!

    I use organic MG , works just fine for my plant they look really healthy
  4. M

    South florida backyard grow advise please

    Yea she smells like diesel but I smell I hint of blueberries on her sometimes and in the sunlight she has like a blueish tint to her Can't wait to try her out when time calls for it
  5. M

    South florida backyard grow advise please

    Yea some water leaves r curlingI also was wondering since it looks like she will revegg what should I do with the buds she already has? Do I cut n dry the ones already formed? Or should I just leave as is ? Because I'm not really sure but I read somewhere that if a plant does revert its a good...
  6. M

    South florida backyard grow advise please

    Does anyone know if rain impacts the potency of the buds? Because its been raining couple days in a row down here and some of the frostyness in the leaves are fading
  7. M

    South florida backyard grow advise please

    What strain you growing.? And will reverting back impact the yield in any way?
  8. M

    Lets Hear Some JOKES!

    Told my girlfriend in bed there's only gunna b 7 planets left , because ima destroy UR.ANUS LMFAO
  9. M

    South florida backyard grow advise please

    Yes , but I'm afraid she might go back to veg since the daylight hours are just going to keep increasing until late July here , should I wait it out?
  10. M

    South florida backyard grow advise please

    She smells amazing I sprouted her in January , I should've waited she had so much potential she stayed short and stocky , would u recommend nutes or let nature take its course?
  11. M

    South florida backyard grow advise please

    Lol here are the pics
  12. M

    I have been growing and researching MJ for 20 years ask me anything

    Hey there yankiedoodledandie I have a question to see if u can help me out , my less than foot long sour d bagseed leaves keep sweating , especially the lower leaves , is it because of poor airflow ?
  13. M

    "Great balls of fire"

    It's a boy
  14. M

    South florida backyard grow advise please

    Hello fellow growers , I started my first grow this year of some sour diesel bagseed , she's a short bushy plant less than a foot tall , she started flowering 4weeks ago and has two main colas , smells amazing , first started with soilex soil then transplanted to miracle gro organic soil ...