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  1. H

    black berry strains leaves

    I took 5 lower branches for clones before I put my 1st black domina strain, black berry plant, in the flower room. I am using roots organic soil w/ very few nutes in veg cycle i.e. nutes premixed in soil. h20 ph @ 6.5-7. Waited 1 week transplanted in larger container moved to flower room. Temps...
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    T-5 floresent light vs 600 wt HID with parabolic hood

    thanks for your help TreeGod
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    Roots Organic liquid nutes

    Iam going to try this line of nutes,the question I have is when do you check the PH level and adjust up or down before or after you mix up the different nutes.I cant seem to get an answer from maker and no info in the instructions.If anyone has any opinions on this product I would appreciate...
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    T-5 floresent light vs 600 wt HID with parabolic hood

    I have been starting with clones and now I want to try growing seeds.My question is that I have a T-5 florescent from when I started growing but upgraded to a parabolic hood with a 600 watt HID for vegging,it works great! Will the 600 watt work well enough or should I use both lights...
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    yellow leaves/purple stems

    :wall: 4 th week of flower, indica , too many leaves are loosing green and fading to yellow then ends dry and curl up. The stems will get a purple color to them. All conditions seem o.k. Day temp75-83 Nite 69-75.Run Co2.Water Ph 6.5-7.0 Use Roots organics soil and nutes. I am not sure if its a...
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    Yellowing leaves in flower room

    Roots Organic
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    Yellowing leaves in flower room

    Feeding nutes throught grow stage,could it be a lack of phosphorus or nit ?
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    HIGH level of CO2

    I double checked my CO2 levels in the flower room with the manual glass tube and saw my regulator must be out of calibration because my level is 3500! I aired it out asap . What should be my next move.Keep it off for a few days;reset for 1500 and run? What effects to my girls should I be aware...
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    SEEDS Regular vs Feminized

    great,Ive got some seeds on their way from Nirvana, the 1st time I purchased from them! Bad genectics?
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    SEEDS Regular vs Feminized

    What are the pros and cons of buying feminized seeds vs regular seeds.Is it worth the extra money, is the quality of fem seeds the same as regular? Ive been a cloner for several years and look forward to starting from scratch,and I know its not a done deal either way;everything takes work.:peace:
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    Yellowing leaves in flower room

    Ive noticed with the orig cheese strain that when they go in flower room,1000w:wall:,68nite-81day temp,humidity45day55nite,the large leaves stems redden and leaves yellow and fall off.The buds grow but I want the greenery,any thoughts THANKS
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    Virgin seed buyer

    I have a Mich med marijuana card.All legal,another reason Mich a great state,so I have no concern about anything online except thieves on line.Go get debit card from Wal-fart i.e.$5 fee and only put so much $ in it.Otherwise next election in your state try to get a law passed;the power is in our...
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    Virgin seed buyer

    :leaf: I've been growing medicine from clones and want to start seeds.Can any one give me some advice on who has the best QUALITY and price.sholud I buy feminized seeds?thanks.
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    SCROG technics

    if you have done it please give me some tips i.e.moonshine haze:leaf:please reply,thanks
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    Moomshine Haze (sativa)

    :leaf:first time growing sativa and this strain,I know the basic info but would appreciate any info on indoor growing of this prize winning girl.thanks for your time, first time on this site PLEASE reply even if your not sure.Iwant some kind of reply to be sure its set up right.PLEASE...
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    don't go cheap! 900-depends on the size of operation.the less you spend the greater the effort to get the best results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Moonshine Haze indoor growroom

    1st time with this sativa strain.could use some helpful hints.thanks1st time on site.please reply so I know everything is set up correctly