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  1. J

    LetsGetCritical's 2nd Grow Mainline Experiment

    Hey man nice grow its looking good havent been on here in a few eeeks had some family emergencies but its awesome to read your thread cause i was wanting to try this out with my new clones but i think its a little late. But hey your plants look good !
  2. J

    Best way to set up 5 400w hps/mh

    Hello everyone im just finishing up my first grow and i am wanting to set my flowering room up a little different.My plan is to take the 6'by7' area i sectioned of in one of my bedrooms and install the lights. As you can see in my picture lights 1 and3 will be in there own hood and lights 2 and...
  3. J

    Critical Kush part harvest and remaining dwc girl

    Just a thought i wanted to share with you when i got my lights i looked on craigslist for warehouse lights called highbay lights they are 400w and you can get hps conversion bulbs for them. I got all five of my ballast from some guy for 80$ then bought 200$ in bulbs and im able to spread the...
  4. J

    Critical Kush part harvest and remaining dwc girl

    Awesome to hear you can get dense buds with 400w i have 4 400w over my 10 girls and a 400 on the side that moves like a fan across my canopy so im hoping its enough. My lights are probably ten to twelve inches from most of the tops but some are closer. How many girls did you have under one 400w?
  5. J

    Critical Kush part harvest and remaining dwc girl

    Hey man looks like a nice harvest your plants look good to and tasty hope my crop goes as well as yours!quick question for you how is the density of your buds because im using a 400w system as well.
  6. J

    First Grow, Week 4 Flower, Opinions?

    They look good to me im about the same in my flower room keep up the great work and you should be good. Thats what i have been told atleast.
  7. J

    Day 30 bud growing on fan leaves

    Hey everyone glad they look good that specific steain is called bubble bud. To you guys that have seen this before any reasoning why it happens?
  8. J

    Day 30 bud growing on fan leaves

    Hey everyone just checking to see how theese are looking this is day 30 and the resin/crystal production is ramping up let me know what you all think.
  9. J

    Is she a he she please help!!!!?!!

    Thanks so much everyone i realy appreciate the help gota hate bein out of meds........ Well a few more weeks we will be good if any one is curios i can post pics of the whole garden.
  10. J

    Is she a he she please help!!!!?!!

    Thanks everyone i think i had a major retarded moment today and thoose calyxs came overnight scared the shit out of me!! Wow glad to know they are all good the duct tape was from when my fan fell on one of my plantsso i taped the stem she is doing good.
  11. J

    Is she a he she please help!!!!?!!

    I need to know if this is a pollen sac?
  12. J

    am I doing this right? (others personal experienc)

    One thing that worked for me is not putting the cling wrap on the cup from what i have heard and read it does make the air more humid but it also makes stagnent air. (Take my advice lightly im only on my first grow) maybe someone else knows a little more about it. Peace happy growing.
  13. J

    Day14 budget diy grow how do these girls look?

    I took theese this morning when i turned on the lights i was very suprised to see trichs starting to appear on ny sugar leaves! This grow just enlightens me every day!
  14. J

    Day14 budget diy grow how do these girls look?

    I am getting eager now as i see the buds start to fill in and fully start to bloom!They have perked up this last week because last weekend i installed a diy light mover for side lighting. If i could upload a video i would show you guys. I took an oscilating fan and used the motor to conbect to...
  15. J

    Day14 budget diy grow how do these girls look?

    Is this a decent start to the flowering process? I think they liked the superthrive and molasses. What do you all think of these?
  16. J

    Day14 budget diy grow how do these girls look?

    Thanks everyone feel like im doing good for a first timer and to think i dont check ph i dont have humidity control etc i base it all on would i want to sit in thoose conditions for 12 hrs etc thanks everyone any guess on yeild??? I know there is no exact but from your exp with plants 2' 4" at...
  17. J

    Day14 budget diy grow how do these girls look?

    Hello everyone i have posted my grow a few times and now we are at week two of flower! There are white hairs and tops everywhere hope they continue to grow well! Let me know what you guys think i just got sone superthrive and moleasses and the propane torch i have been burning for like five...
  18. J

    alright fellas need well rounded advice

    I have a basic knowledge but it really depends we all would need to know a lot more about what you are trying to accomplish such as how much you plan to try and yeild how long you plan to veg , do you want organic or not, how much you have to spend on lights nutes etc... Let us know a little...
  19. J

    4-6 weeks into flower and pulled two clones

    I am in terested to see how you do because i am about to take clones. I would like to know when you finish wich method worked best for you. Are you just using tap water?