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  1. W

    letter about joe cain

    I couldn't agree with you more about NORML, which is why I won't get involved with them again either. Tax and regulate? Not here! In Michigan, food and medicine are exempt from sales tax, and cannabis happens to fall under both categories.
  2. W

    letter about joe cain

    Blow it out your ass Abe.
  3. W

    letter about joe cain

    To Whom it May Concern: I was heavily involved in the cannabis reform movement in Michigan from late 1999 to 2003. During that time I was asked to develop a website for Michigan NORML by then state coordinator Greg Schmid. I turned my back on the movement in 2003 because I got tired of all...
  4. W

    letter about joe cain

    I know this is an old thread, but here's something to think about...
  5. W


    I have sent the following message to the administrators of
  6. W


    And I don't give a flying fuck what you think or where you stand.
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    I don't know who Joe Cain is, but if he was that obese loudmouth in a suit at the rally, I wouldn't be surprised if he's soon to be targeted by Schuette's goons. All he did at the rally was bait them to come after him by saying "we're going to ignore the supreme court and the legislature." I get...
  8. W


    Exactly why I came here. Once I figured out I was an innocent caught in the crossfire of a hatfield/mccoy scuffle between 3MA and 3MG I decided to look for a thread on a forum that would be seen by people from both groups, but neither group would be able to ban me or delete my posts. I don't...
  9. W


    You're damn right I'm depressed. I'm trying to find my way back into the movement after leaving it for about 12 years and so far it's like taking a stroll through a minefield. I started hanging out in the 3MA chat room and someone there mentioned the 3MG chat room, so I figured I'd check that...
  10. W


    Yeah, as long as 3MG and 3MA continue this pissing match with each other, neither one gets my support. Both groups need to pull their heads out of their asses and get over the petty childish finger pointing and name calling. I responded in kind, so don't try to throw my nazi comment back in my...
  11. W


    Democracy is not a spectator sport. Stop bitching about what those of us who are in the game are doing and get off the fucking sidelines for a change. I don't respect the system either, but it's all we've got to work with. Deal with it.
  12. W


    No, I call taking the time to go to Lansing and talk to my elected officials about matters that concern me being politically active. When was the last time you walked the halls of the Anderson Building or the Farnum Building and had a chat with your legislators? I did that two days ago and I...
  13. W


    I wasn't the one who walked in shouting a bunch of incendiary shit, that was Buckaroo Bonzai and his "3MA free zone" bullshit. I don't have anything to do with any organization whatsoever, but I know counterproductive behavior when I see it, and as far as I'm concerned people who have nothing...
  14. W


    The double whammy of 9/11 on the heels of the Rainbow Farm tragedy, in my opinion, ended any chance for real marijuana policy reform in Michigan at least within my lifetime. The "Michigan Medical Marihuana Act" does not come close to real reform, but it is a baby step in the right direction...
  15. W


    My anger is coming from people who have nothing better to do than sit on their asses and badmouth activists who are doing the best they can, against almost limitless opposition, to make the world a better place for all of us. Those of us who knew and loved Tom and Rollie have already learned the...
  16. W


    You, sir, are exactly the reason I am no longer an activist. You have nothing better to do than to badmouth organizations and people who you should at least be trying to get along with, if not working together on common goals. When I enlisted in the military, I swore to protect and defend the...
  17. W


    I'm politically active to the extent that I feel obligated as a participant in the Michigan Medical Marijuana Program to do what I can to pay attention to legislation and court cases that affect the enforcement and interpretation of our law and let my legislators know where I stand. I gave up...
  18. W


    Not exactly accurate, but close enough. There are virtually no independent witnesses to what happened because they secured a half mile radius around the place. Brandon got through the perimeter and was lucky he didn't get caught. He's the only independent witness to Tom's death and the feds...
  19. W


    Since you signed my cert, I've been getting a little more politically active, but never again will I be as hardcore as I was in my 30s. Most of us in the marijuana reform movement who lived downstate back then were deeply affected by the state sanctioned murders that took place over labor day...
  20. W


    Thanks for the encouragement Doc. I guess some folks just aren't happy unless they can piss in the punch bowl and ruin it for everybody.