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  1. C

    When will it flower?

    when the lgithing hours outside turns to 12/12
  2. C

    Show Off Your Buds (Pics) (Cfls only)

    yield 1.5 gram, that is shit as bra
  3. C

    Seedlings in need of assistance

    dont use tin foil, use a big clean white bucket n put ur plant inside it 4 way better reflection thats what im doing with mine
  4. C

    first grow

    how do u move plants that have been inside to outside without shocking them?
  5. C

    Outdoor Grow (Pics Updated)

    i dont htink the tunnels that much of a good idea, u want to make it at hard as possible for people to venture into your spot
  6. C

    Crop the top

    hey iv got a qs about moving my plants from inside to outside, right now there under a fluro light bulb 24/0, there coming up to be 1 week old this thursday, when should i move them outdoors and how do i move them out without shocking them?
  7. C

    Strange spots!Never seen them!Help!

    id suggest u just cut that leaf of just incase the thing that made that trail had laiyed eggs or sumthing...better to be safe then sorry
  8. C

    URGENT - first outdoor

    its winter down in aus and the first week my plants were outside but then winter kicked in and now the whole week its gonna be raining with no sun so i had to move them under a cfl....hope they go well
  9. C

    Outdoor competition 08

    i would have to be in but because where in winter right now in aus my sprouts are mostly under a cfl and when its sunny i move em out
  10. C

    Week 3, Any Suggestions?

    id say yours is a sativa ....looks very nice how long do have the light on for? im just starting and iv got one 20w cfl for three week old srpouts there goining to be planted outside when there mabey month old so thay can withstand the weather
  11. C

    Hows it look?(first grow, CFL,bagseed)

    your plants an indica because of its fat leaves andi must say its a fine lookin plant
  12. C

    Seedlings are Dying??

    iv got a question from someone here.... my seedlings are about a week old, they have been living outside and then i bring them inside at night. anyway this whole week its gonna be rainnig so iv put them under 1 cfl ...iv made a dome where the light is in with aluminium foil around it for...
  13. C

    Little clear worms in soil - pic - help please

    i would just change the soil easier and that way your certain they wont return