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  1. Ganja Blowa

    First time grower

    i live in south jersey a few streets away from camden
  2. Ganja Blowa

    First time grower

    Okay, in the past few days I have accomplished the following. 3 seeds germinated and are in my little spot. one has already sprouted to the tallness of 2 inches and has a small little flower looking part at the top. and another is up out of the soil about a half an inch and the other hasn't...
  3. Ganja Blowa

    First time grower

    where can i get some molasses at for my plants and when do i need to start giving them it for nutes?
  4. Ganja Blowa

    First time grower

    the only thing about this grow im worried about is how do i know if the plants are male or female ? i want the biggest yield i can get but i dont want males to f*** with my crop
  5. Ganja Blowa

    Newbie Grower and First Time grower :)

    how big is the plant now and do you have any pics?
  6. Ganja Blowa

    First time grower

    thanks for all the advice guys. but im thinking of changing my spot because I just went outside to fix the spot up behind the shed but it doesnt get enough light so im thinking of planting somewhere in the woods near my house. I think this new spot should be good because there is a big ass pond...
  7. Ganja Blowa

    First time grower

    Hi everyone and I'm glad to be part of this site. About an hour ago I just wrapped up alot of seeds in my paper towel and placed them in a jar to begin my germination. I'm very excited to start growing. I would appreciate it anyone could contribute advice to help me start growing. Anything would...