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  1. Ganjess

    This is PETA

    ...the (huge, obvious, so glaring it's stupid to point out) difference being that PETA (and HSUS etc) euthanize animals that people have abandoned. Your 'friend' takes animals that should be wild, and sends them to be shot - perfectly healthy animals, too. Your argument is like saying that...
  2. Ganjess

    This is PETA

    ...and some stoners are idiots, too.
  3. Ganjess

    This is PETA

    Wouldn't you know it, groups like PETA are trying to stop the capture and killing of dolphins, whales, etc...but lets not forget that they're the bad guys
  4. Ganjess

    This is PETA

    Well said. The 'PETA Kills Animals' trope is tired and uninformed. Those animals were abandoned, and then abandoned by shelters. Hey, might be why PETA has a huge campaign to spay/neuter companion animals. As for the weird comment about pets - most people who actually work for PETA have pets -...
  5. Ganjess

    The Car Talk Thread

    His long flowing mane is legendary in its own right. Don't get me started on the mustache. More to the point that was Colin McRae beating the shit out of a Subaru. It's not the engine it's what you DO with it
  6. Ganjess

    He"s back!!!!!!!

    That was my thread. And I'm new. And now confused... I assume the guy is a troll of some notoriety around here?
  7. Ganjess


    I should clarify :) I meant cheap as in type of lighting, media, hydration options etc...the actual putting together of these things wouldn't be poorly done. I'm a bit anal. My concern is more like...I don't want to be that asshole at the golf course with platinum clubs and a nifty swing gauge...
  8. Ganjess


    Budget is up in the air for now...less spending is better, but its an investmet so I want to so it right. But I also don't want to jump in and start setting up only to find I don't have the money to finish it. Currently have a wide open space with no windows, good ventilation options and an air...
  9. Ganjess


    That's the idea. I've got space and the know-how but been holding off on spending more - first it's hard to spend a lot up front, second I'm trying to walk the line between spending shit tons on gadgetry vs going cheap and not having flowers
  10. Ganjess

    Can I use Urine as a fertilizer?

    'Why does it hurt when I smoke my peeeee...' I wouldn't do this. Mostly because plants uptake what you give them, and then you smoke it, so... just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD, dig?
  11. Ganjess

    The Car Talk Thread

  12. Ganjess


    Random question(also, new so don't kill me here) - How much have you spent/invested on your grow operation? I'm a single plant kinda gal but looking @ going bigger and wanted some kind of idea about $$... ETA how many ladies do you have the care and feeding of, for that amount of money?
  13. Ganjess

    The Car Talk Thread

    She's a 'cowgirl'...probably grips with those legs for a living haha