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  1. kevin1992

    Does PPM matter?

    Thanks alot I thought I was stuck buying that expensive meter +++rep
  2. kevin1992

    Does PPM matter?

    I've seen a few grows on here that said they dont even know there PPM and the meters are pricey will my plants grow if i dont do anything to it?
  3. kevin1992

    First hydro grow help!

    I've been interested in hydro for a while now but im stuck on a few things about nutrients.My questions are what ph/ppm should the plants be at,what nutrients should i use,how do I lower/higher ph/ppm And I plan on using rockwool cubes and hydroton do I start the plants right in the cubes and...
  4. kevin1992

    Seeds shiped to U.S.A

    Has any one who lives in the usa ever had marijuana seeds shiped to them from one of them online shops.
  5. kevin1992

    Grow hydro with cfls?

    im not looking for that big of a yield for this being my first hydro grow i just want to get something to smoke then get more advanced
  6. kevin1992

    Grow hydro with cfls?

    Thanks for the reply im gonna stck with cfls,And ur grow sounds great
  7. kevin1992

    Grow hydro with cfls?

    I was wondering if it be possible to grow some hydro with cfls i read on a website about growing pot that just mentioned hps an metal halides nothing about cfls so has anyone ever had experiance growing with just cfls?
  8. kevin1992

    Hydro First Timer Help

    This is my first time growing with a hydroponic system an i wanted to know if the water culture system is any good for growing pot.An im not sure how the plants recieve water,Are there roots constantley submerged an the air stone provides oxygen so theres no root rot Any help is greatly...
  9. kevin1992

    Hydroponic wick system help

    Has anyone had experience with this an had a good crop
  10. kevin1992

    Help with nutrients

    Thanks im gonna check it out
  11. kevin1992

    Help with nutrients

    the highest ill probly go is around 30
  12. kevin1992

    Help with nutrients

    Im new and i need to go an get sum good nutrients they seem like there important for indoor growing can anyone tell me wat to buy Thanks
  13. kevin1992

    Grow Box Suggestions

    A old speaker cabinet works good for me u can get a big one at a thrift store for not that much an just gutt out the inside an cut a few holes an ur good
  14. kevin1992

    Hiding Grow Setups From Parents?

    speaker box thats wat i did
  15. kevin1992

    FIRST GROW baby plants first bottom leafs yellow HELP

    yea i think it was just bugs from when it was outside it looks like its getting healthier now
  16. kevin1992

    FIRST GROW baby plants first bottom leafs yellow HELP

    My plant is a couple weeks old in a speaker grow box with i think its a 75 watt cfl light its been transplanted from outdoor to indoor twice i think its just stress but not sure one of the bottom leaves has a small hole in it
  17. kevin1992

    little worms in the water

    ther babie mosquitos get rid of the water