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  1. L

    lets play name that deficiency...+rep

    were these the only leaves you have that are like that? how big are the plants? for me I always wind up losing some leaves...if these are the only ones you have lost then I think you are ok...but if you keep losing them or you have lost alot you might have a problem...
  2. L

    Possible Nute Burn w/ pics Must figure out ASAP

    Dude your babies look GREAT! Is it just that one leaf that is like that? It is possible that is it nute burn but it could also be that they need to be transplanted into bigger containers too! Or maybe a combination of both....
  3. L

    plant problem(pic)

    I am sorry man but that plant looks horrible! Makes me a little sad...I am sure if you took care of it the buds would have been HUGE! It looks like a great's all a learning process though so better luck next time man :)
  4. L

    Ph dropping in Rez Root Rot?

    At first when I looked at your pics I thought it was heat stress but I see that your temps are ok....So I would say that is a PH problem....My plants do best when they are PH between 6 and 6.5 but I suppose other strains are different.
  5. L

    Ok, what is this leaf problem?

    That looks like a PH problem....Although when I saw that before on mine I thought it was a nute deficiency, PH will do messed up things to your plants man! Gotta stay on top of it! Even in soil....
  6. L

    lets play name that deficiency...+rep

    SO these plants look pretty big man! I am a HUGE fan of hydro! But one time I grew in soil! I had the most beautiful babies and then one day they started doing the same thing yours were doing! I was growing them in one gallon buckets and they were ROOT bound. I never though of this because when...
  7. L

    Heat Stress?

    Dude that is for sure heat stress! But more specifically that is what happens when you put plants under an HID light when they were not ready for it COMBINED with heat stress! Plants must be shaded when you first put them under the HID for a couple of days....especially if you vegged them under...
  8. L

    Clueless, Help!

    Yeah man I have also seen this problem a few times before it is DEFINITELY a nitrogen deficiency! And since you have to water so much because of the heat I bet that you have flushed a lot of the nutrients out....You need to add more! But seiriously though dude go buy a cheap exhaust fan or...
  9. L

    Dry Brown Curling Up Leaves. Please Help PICS

    This is definitely a nutrient deficiency laced with a little PH problem....
  10. L

    A real mystery to me...I have pics...

    I grow with doctor's permission in Nevada for my kidney disease. I have a few different strains which are all kick ass! The one with problems is my favorite one...lovingly called "The Sizzle" although in Amsterdam they call it "Purple Power" but I haven't really gotten it to turn purple, it does...