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  1. budire

    Are Biobizz ferts holding me back???

    thanks for all the suggestions, every little helps.... And yeah, 1.5 dried per plant isnt great but I seem to have reached a limit and I reckon its the ferts Im using. yields remain around the same no matter what time of year as its an indoor grow. Tommo, what soil mix and which canna ferts are...
  2. budire

    Are Biobizz ferts holding me back???

    21 views, no replies.... Is this posted in the wrong area or is my post too full of waffle??
  3. budire

    Are Biobizz ferts holding me back???

    Im on my 6th grow and would like some advice. Thanks to all who have helped me in the past to get to the stage Im at now! Im pretty confident at last that I know what Im doing but there are so many experts here that know so much more..!! Im growing indoors using the following...
  4. budire

    Should I lose the fan leaves??

    thanks for replying although i'm none the wiser!! (no offence fellas....) the other reson for asking is ive seen some indoor grow videos on that urban growers website and some of those plants are stripped right up to the top colas!! Looks pretty extreme but i figure it must serve a purpose...
  5. budire

    Should I lose the fan leaves??

    I'm six and a half weeks into flowering with 2 X K-Train (to the front) and 2 X Trainwreck under a 400W HID with extractor and fan. I've lollipopped them and removed some of the mid to upper larger fan leaves. I reckon ive about 2 and a half weeks to harvest and I'm wondering if, when and how...
  6. budire

    Help!!! Buds turning yellow & dying @ 4 weeks!!

    The weird thing is that not ALL the taller buds are turning brown like that... If they are dying is there any chance they will recover or should I snip em off so the plants can divert their energy elsewhere? Oh, in order to gain more height Im gonna have to cut out the bottom of my tent and...
  7. budire

    Help!!! Buds turning yellow & dying @ 4 weeks!!

    Thanks guys. Ive used the epsom salts (magneseum) before, it helps prevent nute lockout (apparently).... Oh and the buds nearest the light seem to be worse. Most buds are fine but the tallest seem worst affected. All lower growth is nice and green except for the ones that are yellowing and dying...
  8. budire

    Help!!! Buds turning yellow & dying @ 4 weeks!!

    Hi. Can anyone tell me whats going wrong here?? This is my third grow and Ive never seen this before. They are K-Train in week 4 of flowering. I have them in grow tent with oscillating fan, extractor fan & 400W HID. Im feeding Biobizz grow 2ml, bloom 2ml & topmax 1.5ml per litre water and they...
  9. budire

    Oh no, whats up with my babies? Are they too hot or starving??

    PH readings are fine and I will be adding some Epsom salts around week 3 of flowering. Only on of my plants look sick now, the other 3 of seem pretty healthy. Maybe I just have a sick plant from a bad seed???
  10. budire

    Oh no, whats up with my babies? Are they too hot or starving??

    Hey newsoilgrower, I thought that so I held off for 5 days before giving any more food and they seem ok. Problem looks about the same as when it started so I suppose it could be worse. Whats really annoying is that I also have some brown dead spots on some of my leaves that have gone so bad they...
  11. budire

    Oh no, whats up with my babies? Are they too hot or starving??

    I see over 80 people have read my post but only 2 have responded. Is this cause noone knows or am I making a basic rookie mistake??? I havnt posted many replies to other peoples questions cause I'm new to all this stuff. Anyway, hopefully someone will have seen this before and can shed some...
  12. budire

    Oh no, whats up with my babies? Are they too hot or starving??

    Babypython, I have added 2 more pics to my original post. You can ignore the brown patches on some of the leaves, this is nute burn from splashes from the ferted water (rookie mistake I know). My plants have been like for a few days now and have been watered with the light on but there is no...
  13. budire

    Oh no, whats up with my babies? Are they too hot or starving??

    Thanks Ace but I'm not sure it is a water problem. This is my third grow and i'm using the same amount of water as before although the weather is a little warmer. I am watering every 2 days and misting every other day.
  14. budire

    Oh no, whats up with my babies? Are they too hot or starving??

    Im growing some k-train under a 400w HID and 2 of my babies seem to be suffering. They are 1 week into veg after 2 weeks as seedlings and have just started getting a tiny bit of Biobizz Grow. They are looking a little shriveled with the tips of the leaves curling upwards (look at bottom leaf in...
  15. budire

    Thinning or LST? Which is best?

    I've been looking into LST (low stress training) as my grow room is only about 5 feet tall so that only leaves about 3 feet to grow in without buring my babies. LST seems pretty simple and it should solve the height issues. However, I think I need to do some thinning too to maximise light to bud...
  16. budire

    How can I increase my yield without a degree in Horticulture??

    Thanks SlikWill13. I'll go into flower sooner this time, maybe between 1 & 2 weeks. They are pretty strong after the 2 weeks seedling stage so I should be ok. I did see something somewhere about growing in a spiral using a Tomato Trellise but being a stoner, I'm a bit lazy and like to keep shit...
  17. budire

    How can I increase my yield without a degree in Horticulture??

    I'm looking for some advice on how to maximize my yield. I'm using a 1x1x1.6m budbox with a 400w HID and a 100mm extractor fan with carbon filter, Biobizz ferts and a basic mix of perlite, vermiculite & peat. I've used the same setup 3 times and have had great quality weed each time using...
  18. budire

    Are my babies scorched??

    Low Stress Training! I get it, looks like more reading for me!
  19. budire

    Are my babies scorched??

    escuse my ignorance but what in the name of fuck is LST???
  20. budire

    Are my babies scorched??

    ive managed to move my light a few more inches but i will have to tie down colas before the end, thanks. another quick question, is it pretty normal for lower fan leaves to turn yellow and die slowly during the entire grow/bloom periods??