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  1. S

    seedling long stems & leaves pointing up

    just wanted to thank you all again, I went through and done everything said,,,,,and, it never seizes to amaze me...this place is fantastic... thanks all.
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    seedling long stems & leaves pointing up

    Thanks for the quick replys... I did have the fans on no, but I turned them on today low to get some fresh air circulation..i don't have any pics but will post just seems not like last time (longer), I know the 21 watt is low, but this is a side light in a chamber, I mixed a little...
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    seedling long stems & leaves pointing up

    Hi, wondered if anybody cld help/advice me on my seedlings which are 4 days old, nearly 2inch stems, planted in soil. The only growth is the tiny sprout leaves and 2 little normal leaves, which are pointing upwards.......the temp was 30 so I put it down to 20/25. 50r/h. but they seem like they...
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    soil mix examples help

    I would like to make a soil mix that will keep my plant ok throughout its complete life, using what i have.. Standard multi purpose compost John inns 2 compost john inns 3 compost bone meal fish blood and bone Lime Epson salts Perlite I think i may have a coca peat brick somewhere. Sulphate...
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    high and low night temps ??

    thanks for the quick reply.. i have just read that maby adding an ice pack infront of the passive intake may help... becos i keep my filter running slowley at night to eliminate odor, i could crank it up but sound like a you saying about the diff strains.... i forgot that point, it...
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    high and low night temps ??

    hi all.. i have noticed that things are happening slowly.. so to cut a long story short, my question is... ..if day time temps are 28/30, is 25/26 ok for night (degrees) could this be the reason for slow development.. thank you for any advive, 2 weeks in flower, pea size.. and small peas...
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    help with fan speed control

    thanks for the quick reply, mmm,,am the same, i think ill take a rain check on that one...ive seen another fan on sale on ebay but it doesnt say the voltage, just that a plug will need fitting, so am guessing in all, thats should work,,,? am i right in saying that a speed...
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    help with fan speed control

    hi, can anyone tell me if this will work to control fan speed... the fan.... a 12 volt, 4inch inline fan a fan speed controller of ebay, its a plug in one and is a pic... sounds plug in and your of.. but would it make a difference since its not 240v fan im trying to controll,,,its...
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    Help with wiring fan speed controller to....well, a fan

    ive use a 3 inch ducting pipe as it was just laying around and i thought if i could mount some high cfm pc fans together it will be ok to adjust with a speed controller to vary the speed to adjust the air flow withing the carbon filter. But ive had a rethink...stop being bodge and get a proper...
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    Help with wiring fan speed controller to....well, a fan

    Thank you for the reply Awnox,,, your reply has done it for me... this cost me next to nothing anyway.. and your right, its not worth it. Its just i need to put a carbon filter in for flowering soon, and i thought it would help the speed... same old eh, pay penuts, get monkeys, do you know...
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    Help with wiring fan speed controller to....well, a fan

    could anyone help me with the wiring of a fan speed controller..... first the fan has three, yellow n black. The fan controller has 2 sets of wire..... the first set consists of two wires (yellow n black). The other set has three yellow and black I have tried...
  12. S

    Help with curled new growth, and yellowing of bottom leaves..

    Sounds like you know what ur on about.. thats why im going to leave the nutes now till i see some further signs...then start ??? going to later fit carbon filter, would a compute fan work ..home made carbon filter...was thinking 75cfm fan..enough to help??? I appreciate all help !!
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    Help with curled new growth, and yellowing of bottom leaves..

    Well this place is the best thing i was away taking some pics...which didnt turn out very good, so i tried tilting the plant to get a better shot, and i noticed.spider mites all over the bottom leaves. They are gone now of course.. thanks. i gave a little mg to sart bout a week ago but not...
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    Help with curled new growth, and yellowing of bottom leaves..

    hi all the plant is 4 week old and was a bit late to get potted up? new top growth is dark green n curled, yellow tip on top leaf. I just lost the last through a salt build up i assume.. rechecked its ph and was 7.8.. researched a little n found out it prob had nutrient, so...
  15. S

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    mmmm....yellowing bottom leafs, tip burn on leaf tip, curled dark green new growth....plant 4 week old, soil, temps 26/15 night, late moving from small pot, ph 6.6, 6.500 clfs. I am a little worried cos the last died.. the salts took the ph off to 7.9, so no boron for that one....gggrrr. Just...