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  1. M

    First time outside grower need help

    got it. It gets hot as shit out here. What about Soil Blends i keep reading all these different soil mixes?
  2. M

    First time outside grower need help

  3. M

    First time outside grower need help

    Thanks Guys, So with using FF Ocean what would be a soil mix for lets say a 5 Gal Pot and a 10 Gal Pot FF Dolomite lime ^ What Else? Also as far as nutes i got the Go Box from General Organics, gonna give it a whirl on one plant and then the others ill use some other stuff maybe just the FF...
  4. M

    First time outside grower need help

  5. M

    First time outside grower need help

    So ive done some more research and im about to get all my plants set up next week. I've read alot on Heavy Harvest, but im confused. I also found this other company which people are raving about People are also stating FF is cheaper and better. Im...
  6. M

    First time outside grower need help

    Hey guys, Thanks for the suggestions. Im not doing a DWC outside. Im currently doing one to test out inside, this is just a different site for outside. I wanna learn both ways, so thats the reason im asking for the help! Sorry for any confusion. Yea it seems to be a little on the pricey side...
  7. M

    First time outside grower need help

    Hey Guys, So im doing my first outside grow. I have recently Purchased a bag of FF Ocean Soil, and wanted some pointers and help. I was going to purchase 5 Gallon Buckets today about 8 of them. Someone referred me to Smart Pots, over Nursery Pots, i wanted some opinions, as well thoughts...
  8. M

    First time pc grow box journal scrog

    im pretty sure she's gone guys. So tomorrow im going to pick another one up. This time i have the General Organics Go Box, I will be following the Feeding Schedule right off the bat. I've Ordered a Hanna tri Meter for PPM/PH etc. When i have all 4 CFLS in that have the 6500 Spectrum 26 watts the...
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    First time pc grow box journal scrog

    i think shes toast guys
  10. M

    First time pc grow box journal scrog

    She's going to be awake in 14 minutes ill be home to check on here and we will see where it goes from there. Reku any information as to nutrients you have tried. Im looking at TechnaFlora, GH, Botanicare
  11. M

    First time pc grow box journal scrog

    She's waking up in 2 hours. Hopefully she is better. Give you guys an update.
  12. M

    First time pc grow box journal scrog

    Ok Guys shes about to have the lights turned off in about 30 minutes came home this morning to her looking like this and the temp is at 80.2 Shes still very drooping. The soil doesnt look wet and i put my finger in it and i mean it still was wet a inch or little less from the bottom. If anyone...
  13. M

    First time pc grow box journal scrog

    Maybe ill get rid of the SCROG Screen. Any other Scrog screens you say would be better instead?
  14. M

    First time pc grow box journal scrog

    Not yet. I transplanted her yesterday from a DWC setup which had regular tap water splashing it in rockwell. This was what it was in from Saturday when i picked her up from Club, tell monday afternoon when I could get to the store.They sold me Foxfarm Ocean Soil, Which suppodley has nutes...
  15. M

    First time pc grow box journal scrog

    Hey Guys so this is the night of veg day 1 the clone had light off from 11-5 and now its back on. When i got home the Temp was at 90 degrees. I had to take one of the CFLS out to cool down and adjust the temp level. Its finally back down to 79-80. She is very droopy. I watered her after...
  16. M

    First time pc grow box journal scrog

    Reku thanks for the advice left them on. Also I have it in a container with soil now. Does the container need wholes at the bottom for the watering I did yesterday to drain out a little? P.S. here the c02 generator. Link...
  17. M

    First time pc grow box journal scrog

    Also one more question do i turn fans off while the lights or off or keep ventilation going. I learned a cheap way of inducing a co2 in there which im experimenting out right now
  18. M

    First time pc grow box journal scrog

    Ok, so like the last three days ive had the light on for 24 hours. So today would probably be day one of Veg, i just turned the light off, and have it on a timer for then next 6 hours, will go back on at 5! She looks a little droopy maybe the shock from Transplanting and having no food for 2...
  19. M

    First time pc grow box journal scrog

    also one other question when is it safe to say to start the 18/4 Cycle?
  20. M

    First time pc grow box journal scrog

    Day 2 Ok Guys. So went to the local hydro store. They were cool enough to let me bring her in. They said she need to be doctored quick before it was too late. So we transplanted her immediately to Fox farm ocean soil, and Put mykos and ezemite in there. They said she was dying for food. They...