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  1. S

    Police were just here omg

    I just want to make sure everyone knows I am debating, and not arguing. I agree with everyone's points, and in the end, I do not particuallrly like the cops. BUT I try not to judge everyone because they have or do something specific. I feel like that is sterotyping. It's the same as all those...
  2. S

    Police were just here omg

    I completely agree with you, actions like these are completely unacceptable. It's just like the little girl who died from a flashbang and getting shot during a raid on the wrong house. Inexcusable. BUT I don't clump all cops into the "pig" category unless they do something that would change my...
  3. S

    Police were just here omg

    Not everyone, but I can tell you right now, there has been a couple of times I didn't break the law, because the law was there. If it was not there, I would not have thought twice about it. I'm sure you can think of some people, that only follow the law, because of the fear of breaking it...
  4. S

    Police were just here omg

    They only people afraid of cops are those doing illegal activities. Those who classify ALL cops as pigs or doughnut eaters have not had to call them for help EVER. Things change when the cops are the ones busting into your house to save your life. (This happened to me when I was 7) They seem...
  5. S

    HELP!!! UK grow first time outdoor.

    Plant them outside in a garden. Select other plants that will compliment your bud plants. I chose fruits and veggies that I would like to harvest as well, and some annuals that deter deer and insects and provide a nice flowery smell. Top, FIM, Train your plants to stay more bushy than growing...
  6. S

    Need experienced advice

    Your plants need three things to survive, water, nutrients (soil, hydro, whatever you use) and light. We can pretty much do as good as nature or even better when it comes to nutrients and water, but light is really hard to replicate for a plants needs. This being said, your plants look perfectly...
  7. S

    ok this may sound stupid, but please remember I'm new at this.

    When a plant of most kinds "hits" the top of something while growing, it changes its tactics of growing and starts to grow the bottom branches of the plant upwards to get as much light as possible at all times. If that does not work, the plant will start to grow horizontally. All of this is just...
  8. S

    12/12 from seed, 19th day from seed...slight problem. PLEASE HELP!!!

    xD wasn't sure if I could say that on the forum without repercussion lol
  9. S

    12/12 from seed, 19th day from seed...slight problem. PLEASE HELP!!!

    I was just assuming he was not quite up to date on flowering from seed and might not have meant to flower them right away? I guess thats what I get from assuming though lol.
  10. S

    12/12 from seed, 19th day from seed...slight problem. PLEASE HELP!!!

    oh yeah, and keep the light on for at least 16 hours not a 12/12 cycle.
  11. S

    12/12 from seed, 19th day from seed...slight problem. PLEASE HELP!!!

    x.x You need to look up how to calculate how many lumens per square foot you have in your grow area. If I remember correctly, the sun can put out 5000-10000 lumens per square foot outside, so you want to replicate that indoors as close as possible. You mentioned bulb temperature in kelvins and...