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  1. B

    Sick plants please help! Flowering week 3

    Hilarious I did post the same post in the proper forum I got more help here I guess this where the good ones stays haha😝
  2. B

    My plants are sick please help

    Thanks a lot it's amazing how much help u can get here
  3. B

    My plants are sick please help

    Thanks man i'm dropping it to 1000
  4. B

    Sick plants please help! Flowering week 3

    I got one like 9 months ago never thought I have to change the filter
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    Sick plants please help! Flowering week 3

    I'm going to do this thanks man
  6. B

    Sick plants please help! Flowering week 3

    They go under 12/12 I think I found my problem my water is bad ro water ppm 300 thank you for your time
  7. B

    Sick plants please help! Flowering week 3

    Double check the ppm of my ro water It was at 300.
  8. B

    Sick plants please help! Flowering week 3

    Thank's a lot it's amazing how much help u can get here on this forum I didn't know that. I use ro water to I didn't double check the ppm of my water and I was a 300 oops got the change the filter hopefully it wold solve my problem thank you for your time
  9. B

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Thank you for your time, I've try to find the problem my self,I thought I wasn't giving enought magnesium so I did but it's not working I need help. .I grow in soil i mix fox farm wit perlite flower under 1000k I have 7 of them I placed 9 plants per lights in 7 gallon I get 1and a half pound per...
  10. B

    Sick plants please help! Flowering week 3

    Sorry I'm new I know wrong forum
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    Sick plants please help! Flowering week 3

    Thank you for your time. It's small I know I don't know why I flower under 1000k I have 7 of them I placed 9 plants per lights in 7 gallon I get 1and a half pound per lights I took the the glass of the hoods the xxxl I have a completely sealed room I use a 3 2andhalf ton A/C my nutes are house...
  12. B

    My plants are sick please help

    Thank you I really appreciate the help
  13. B

    My plants are sick please help

    Thank you I really appreciate the help
  14. B

    My plants are sick please help

    No I don't have any trace mineral to add I just add a lil bit more of CalMah
  15. B

    My plants are sick please help

    I'm in week 3 in flower, I'm growing in soil fox farm mix with perlite i water them every 3 days ph 6.1 ppm 1600 my plants don't look healthy I thought I had a magnesium problem so i add a lil bit more but it's not working
  16. B

    Sick plants please help! Flowering week 3

    I've try to find the problem my self,I thought I wasn't giving enought magnesium so I did but it's not working I need help