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  1. H

    Am I Crazy? 12 autos in 2x4x6 tent

    I think pot size will help with height. I GREW MY FAST AND VAST in 3 gallon pots and the grow quickly to about 24 inchs and stopped. I have only harvest a small bit of them at this point, like 2 onces dry from the 5 bigger colas, and have tons more to go. I am guessing a total harvest of...
  2. H

    Auto newbie

    I just harvested 5 decent size buds off 2 fast and vast autos at 9 weeks (just under 2 ozs dry ). a bit harsh but definantly stoned, and strong smelling. the rest of them aren't ready but I think by week 11 or 12 she will be down completely, and its looking like a total pull from both will be...
  3. H

    Best grow books

    just screw the books. youi get all the info in places like this and anyway its mostly trial and error anyway. everyone has different water. and I am 65 and still TRUCKIN. lolol.
  4. H

    Neem Oil in Coco ?

    yes you can add to the nutes, BUT, it wont help with small pests like whiteflies or mites but it will help with larger bugs that eat whole leaves. smaller pests dont get deep enough into the plant to actually get into the veins of the plant. its better to spray them with neem and I actully...
  5. H

    first indoor hydro grow

    this is gonna be my first indoor and hydro grow. use to grow outside years ago and decided Iliked growing soooo. going to use the coconut hair. got the seeds started now, its all bag weed but I don't want to ruin the thc bomb seed I bought at like 80 bucks, and I have read a lot of others have...