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  1. S

    T5 Steup

    An O in my neck of the woods for chronic is expensive so it's def worth investing in a box. I priced a homemade cash crop at 256.00 so this guy isn't making much money of it. I would prob still build myself but wanted some opinions.
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    T5 Steup

    So something like this won't successfully cool and kill odor? I might actually pick this up
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    T5 Steup

    These plants only get 15" top and only yield 10-15 grams but fully mature in 7-9 weeks so 80-100 grams in 2 months is pretty good. They will not get anywhere near a qp-hp with just a cpl plants...
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    T5 Steup

    IG I'll just get a 150 hps instead since i gotta get high rated fan anyway
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    T5 Steup

    Or is this one better?
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    T5 Steup

    Would this work? I'll get the whole package with it. As in,Filter and temp/humidity gauge.
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    T5 Steup

    Well damn. I really wasn't wanting to use a bunch of watts but IG I'll have to. I can still use a pc fan for intake right? I'm gonna throw a lil clip on fan in there too for the canopy.
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    T5 Steup

    It's not the air I'm concerned with. I only gotta move like 11cf/5mins to get air circulated and t5's aren't very hot. My question is will a pc fan with carbon filter hide the smell of 8-10 plants or should I use 2 pc fans with carbon filter?
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    T5 Steup

    Anybody out there???
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    T5 Steup

    I will be using a 6 lamp-2ft-T5 to grow 8-10 autos in half gallon pots. I'm only looking for about 2 ounces so as long each plant produces a 1/4 at 8 plants I'll be good. The box will be 20"Lx25"Wx42"H. I will have a platform so the plants can constantly be as close to bulbs possible. The soil...
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    DOT drug test Colorado

    That def wont work ive already researched it. It's only good for rapids but this test goes straight to gc/ms.
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    DOT drug test Colorado

    Did you use the one with uric acid? It's also known as Canadian version.
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    DOT drug test Colorado

    Got the answer,I must use Canadian and temp around 98 I will pass.
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    HELP! 1st Grow - Heating problems!

    It's the reflective material insulating your case. The model he sells is black and white poly yours is thick as fuck!
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    Pill food?

    Damn,You must of graduated!LoL JK but right on was kinda wondering why it wasn't in pill form. You def answered my ?'s.
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    Mr grow pro soil PC case

    Nobody? 10 charecters
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    Saliva drug test

    O,Well either way I'm not a spammer.
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    Saliva drug test

    Perth amboy? You know my uncles possibly! If that is a real picture....
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    Saliva drug test

    I put my name as saliva tester because I couldn't think of anything and that's what I came for. I've also been on this site a few years ago and had a thread on a grow I did back when autos first came out (07-08?). Last but not least if I wanted to spam a product I would of got it right the first...
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    Saliva drug test

    WTF you mean spam thread? I'm posting my questions/concerns and conclusion of a saliva drug test. Fuck you dude!