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  1. M

    Online Headshops

    haha.....yea it suks cuzz all i got is discover card....... and the only places that take it are kinda skepitcal for me.... but thanks for the input
  2. M

    Online Headshops

    im planning to buy a bong and some pipes, but dont know any fast and reliable sites to order.... was about to order from chunkyglasspipes but heard they were unreliable..... any suggestions btw it would help if the sites u know take discover card
  3. M

    direct transplanting???

  4. M

    direct transplanting???

    i am planning to start a couple of clones indoors and then transplanting outdoors... when transplanting outdooors i will just dig cup sized holes for the clones due to security issues will the clones be able to survive....
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    check this out....

    yep seedboutique does send to us......i am just wondering did anyone tries these before and yea these seeds do look awsome....
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    check this out....

    check this out i might order it, do u guys think these seeds will even seems like a pretty good deal to me..heres the link..
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    my plants got ripped fuckkkkkkkkk

    like i said everybody jux pretend i never told this story okay, i guess i know what and what not to post up anymore... smokablunt16 thanks for understanding for some extent, how about we jux chill and spark a fattie... keep it green everybody
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    my plants got ripped fuckkkkkkkkk

    fuck it guys just imagined i never told any of this to you guys okay. btw overgrow was shutdown....btw those 2 guys were some spoiled ass white guys and also smelled like sinsimilla (probaly trying to look for more plants to steal and sell).when i confronted them they were scared as shit they...
  9. M

    my plants got ripped fuckkkkkkkkk

    u know what i was so fucken happy and anxious to tell the rollitup comunity but i guess trust and belief in each other doesnt exist so called STORY does sound fakeass hell but i just fucken people who can predict the future and know if someone is lying.....i fucken miss
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    my plants got ripped fuckkkkkkkkk

    guess what guys i went back to my site to grab a shovel that i left behind (was my wife's shovel and i told her that a friend was borrowing it hahaha). on the way back i thought i heard a deer. i looked to my rear and saw 2 middle aged guys wandering.... in my mind i thought who would be...
  11. M

    my plants got ripped fuckkkkkkkkk

    thanks guys for all of ur input..... the guy who claimed that he smoked this much and dadada, probaly just over exaggerated alittle to show or express his grief so guys dont' torch him..... that night when i consumed those drugs i slept for almost 24 hours no next crop is going to be...
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    my plants got ripped fuckkkkkkkkk

    i will have to find a new location next season..thanks everyone to ur input........
  13. M

    my plants got ripped fuckkkkkkkkk

    guys i visited my site last night and found that my two almost ready ww and ak47 females were ripped..i was so fucken mad i might set up trip cameras or somthing.......any ideas to catch these fuckers......both plant were huge and healthy probaly wouldve yeilded 10 oz each (dried)....i came back...
  14. M

    super phosphate

    hi everyone i have a female plant flowering she is about 2 feet tall and doing well... i found some super phosphate for plants in my garage and wonder if i could use it on my plant???it says good for blooming plants and flowers.. i am wondering if i just sprinkle some around the plant will be...
  15. M

    my future outdoor plan...input wanted...

    if i do what ^^^^ says my plant will be 5-6 old before i take clones..... and one question if i veg for that long what will the plant do?????? any more input about my future plan... thanks everyone
  16. M

    my future outdoor plan...input wanted...

    this is a quick thought on my future plan..please read... get some fem white widow seeds by next feb or march grow one female in vegatative state for about 1 to 2 months while the female is still growing indoors i prepare holes outdoor for some clones that i am going to take from my female...
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    flowerign question

    i just tranferred my pre sexed female outdoors... i live in wisconsin will it continue to veg or will it start to flower???
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    watering question

    yea i watered it pretty good before i tranplanted it i think it should be fine....btw i flowered it for about almost two weeks indoor before i could transplant it outdoors so will the plant still be able to veg a little more before it flowers... i live in wisconsin...before i transplanted it i...
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    watering question

    i just transplanted my female into the outdoors.. it seems like it wont be getting water for another week will this kill the plant...i watered the plant well when it was still in the pot..
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    cloning question

    i am wondering if i take clones of a female plant grown indoors and plant the clones outdoor will the clones still grow to be as big as if i started from seed. this is for future references only...