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  1. G

    Topping? pic

    so if i follow the stem once you get to the top there is a very little set of leaves then u travel up more than its the BIG set of leaves and then if u keep going there is another little set of leaves so cut the big leaves out correct?
  2. G

    Topping? pic

    help me out guys lol I'm new to topping so I'm guessing the big set of little leaves in the middle ??? right
  3. G

    Topping? pic

    I need help figuring out where to top my plant. I'm attaching a picture for reference. thank you!!:weed:
  4. G

    Need some help fellas

    Alright cool. Thanks man
  5. G

    Need some help fellas

    I only have a single root coming out so far nothing else. I should still plant them though? Thanks for all the help
  6. G

    Need some help fellas

    Ok thanks guys. Appreciate it
  7. G

    Need some help fellas

    Lol. Alright
  8. G

    Need some help fellas

    I germinated my Jamaican me crazy seeds all sprouted in the rock wool and a root is coming out the bottom of the rock wool and there in a tray. Just need to know if I should put a little water in the tray? And also when to know when to transplant them to there permanent location. Thanks for...
  9. G

    Plants Sagging?? (pics)

    I guys ill put them in at night and keep using a trash bag over them for humidity
  10. G

    Plants Sagging?? (pics)

    No one is upset lol. It just didn't help me any. I need some answers on how to get these plants healthy again. There aren't so much wilting anymore. But they are starting to have brown spots towards the back of the leave. Ill be able to post some pictures up a little later.
  11. G

    Plants Sagging?? (pics)

    ^ like that helps me.
  12. G

    Plants Sagging?? (pics)

    its been pretty cloudy and shitty outside. temps are on average 70=75 and 54 at night but i put them in my garage at night
  13. G

    Plants Sagging?? (pics)

    Thanks a lot for the advice guys. I'll throw the bags on the and let u guys know. In a couple days. PS. On a side note what are you guys doing to deal with pests. My cat pissed and shit in mine lol. So I had to transplant one if the other plants I have. Little bastard lol
  14. G

    Plants Sagging?? (pics)

    What would the process be for using the plastic bag to raise the humidity? Should I mist the plants and have the bag over them?
  15. G

    Plants Sagging?? (pics)

    I'm using ocean forest soil and I planted them Saturday and watered them that day and today. The root ball was roughly a 2" x 2" x 2" cube. I'm in southern Cali and it's been about 70° highs and 52° lows. Thanks for the feedback
  16. G

    Plants Sagging?? (pics)

    Hey guys, just got some clones from the dispensary. Picked up God's Gift and Roadkill Skunk. Both are sagging. I don't know whether its due to under watering or overwatering or just stress from planting them or another factor? What do you guys think? Oh and I'm growing outdoor in 10 gallon...