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  1. newbiegro

    Need some help

    Yes I'll get pics of the leaves in question. The leaves are curling inward and kinda paper feeling.
  2. newbiegro

    Need some help

    Im only feeding 1 time a week and very very lightly
  3. newbiegro

    Need some help

    Hello I'm growing for the first time and noticed some changes in my plants that I'm worried about. Soil is ffof with added perlite,and cut with non nute added potting soil. They are under a t5 ho 4ft 8 bulb fixture, usually water 2 times a week when the first 2 in of soil feels dry. Im using...
  4. newbiegro

    Just ordered from Herbies Let me know what you think!! Need your thoughts on these!!

    Herbies ROCKS last time I ordered seeds on Mon.had em on Fri. I'm in the states too.
  5. newbiegro

    worried about this plant

    I posted this in the newbie sec. Figured I may get more help here. I planted 3 ak47/White Widow feminized seeds, started them all in peat pellets then put them in my soil mix which is ffof ,extra perlite and reg potting soil. All 3 are on the same water,light,etc schedule. Ph is all the same at...
  6. newbiegro

    Need some advice

    Also I only water them when the soil feels dry at about 1.5 in.
  7. newbiegro

    Need some advice

    Check ph before and after every water . I cut the ffof with perlite and straight potting soil ( no newts added) So its about 60%ffof 20% soil 20 % added perlite. I plan on starting my newts next week which will be week 4.
  8. newbiegro

    Need some advice

    The close up is the one I'm worried about
  9. newbiegro

    Need some advice

    Hello I started 3 feminized AK47/WhiteWidow seeds a couple weeks ago. All three popped one is kicking ass one is doing ok one Im worried about. All three are in ffof under the same light same watering etc. Will the tiny one come around or should I write it off?
  10. newbiegro

    Who has the best complete grow tent kits and who has the best feminized seeds?????

    Htg has a good grow tent kit. As far as seeds herbies has done me right. I am new to growing as well so maybe other people have better suggestions.
  11. newbiegro

    Help heat issues

    Well I added two computer fans to the lower back of the cab pulling air into the cab. Temps are now at 70 running 50 % power and 82 running at 100% power.
  12. newbiegro

    Help heat issues

    I like brownies lol. How big a box would I need to build to use this light?
  13. newbiegro

    Help heat issues

    Probably just gonna run it at 50 percent. I bought the 400 because I have a ,4x4 tent set up with a 8 bulb t5 ho fixture and figured if the cab didn't work out I could use it in my tent. So far the t5s are kicking butt. I'll probably install three computer fans along the bottom with more...
  14. newbiegro

    Help heat issues

    I have a old dresser I converted into a grow cab. It is 2ft wide by 20 in deep 4 foot tall. I have 3/4 in open slots at the front and back at the bottom that run full length for fresh air to be drawn in. Also have a 4 in 100 cfm inline fan mounted in the top. I bought a 400 watt mh/hps light...
  15. newbiegro

    Help, posting pics from android phone.

    I don't have internet on a computer just my phone.
  16. newbiegro

    Help, posting pics from android phone.

    I've tried and can't figure out how to post pics from my Android phone. Any help would be appreciated.
  17. newbiegro

    1more lighting ?

    I will set it up for a scrog hopefully. I plan on using a 4 in inline fan 100cfm Pushing air into the cabinet and a 4 in 160 cfm fan pulling air out hooked to my filter. I also have a few holes drilled in the bottom for free air flow. I can't figure out how to post pics from my android phone.
  18. newbiegro

    setting up a grow in a dresser ?

    I have a 4 in inline running into the side pushing fresh air a 4 in exhaust with carbon filter pulling from the top ,inside is white, and have a couple holes in the very bottom for free flow air.
  19. newbiegro

    setting up a grow in a dresser ?

    Don't know If I can afford an led right now. Can you recommend a good one?