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  1. P

    URGENT PLANT IS ABOUT TO DIE!!! (pictures)

    Mared Juwan I just replied to your comment telling you and all others reading this thread on my situation. so say that i have a poor attitute because you might have read my comment as a smart ass saying, and so what if i am a "newb" this is my first grow do you have a problem? Maybe people...
  2. P

    URGENT PLANT IS ABOUT TO DIE!!! (pictures)

    well if it was ph then my problem would have happened ages ago.... and after doing all those things; cutting leaves, ventilating, and C02 the plant actually has gotten alot better. I bid you good day sir.
  3. P

    URGENT PLANT IS ABOUT TO DIE!!! (pictures)

    yesterday i chopped off those 2 nasty yellow leaves( the biggest ones) and left the fan on for 24 hours and made some cO2 yeast sugar water shit and the leaves are standing up alot more now.
  4. P

    URGENT PLANT IS ABOUT TO DIE!!! (pictures)

    should i use Distilled water instead of tap water?
  5. P

    URGENT PLANT IS ABOUT TO DIE!!! (pictures)

    cheers, btw does anyone know what strain of plant i got just by looking at characteristics? Theyare just bagseed but if anyone could tell me it would be appreciated. thanks
  6. P

    Flowering after veg in aerogarden

    What type of AG do you have, the newer model has a 12-12 setting which you can use for flowering but other than that you can just buy a Light Timer from a hardware shop or something. As for lighting I think your doing good job with the setup of the 2 extra lights but maybe get bigger ones 100W...
  7. P

    URGENT PLANT IS ABOUT TO DIE!!! (pictures)

    yeh theres a fan on it now venting air but not on it 24 hours a day. I also made diy co2 today so hopefully should see inprovements. Thanks for the advice about water ph mate, what ph should soil and water be?
  8. P

    URGENT PLANT IS ABOUT TO DIE!!! (pictures)

    I am using tap water so not sure what ph balance it is.
  9. P

    URGENT PLANT IS ABOUT TO DIE!!! (pictures)

    thanks for all that guys, but there is already fert mixed in with the soil. Its called blood and bone nutrients and we did the mixture right for the soil:fert ratio.
  10. P

    URGENT PLANT IS ABOUT TO DIE!!! (pictures)

    i need help bad the plants about to die and i dont know wat to do..about 2 weeks ago i put it in new soil cause the old soil was shit. its droopy, leafs r yellow on the tips of some and the old leafs r dry. the new leafs coming thru r looking good just the bigger older 1s r screwed wat should i do!
  11. P

    leaf based problem i cant identify?

    yea got same problem and cant figure it out some1 help us!!
  12. P

    Aerogarden club

    does any1 know how to make the American AG work in austaralia?..i got a power converter and it still doesnt work..can soem1 please help me