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  1. Glinn

    Red hot chilli peppers!!!

    you guys know what im talking about??!?!?!!RIGHT?!
  2. Glinn

    DUDETASTIC and just gay shit

    I think that the next generations will always find simpler solutions for theyr "problems", so maybe using smaller words and finding simpler ways to express themselves is just a consequence of the contemporanean man biggest problem: lack of time. like...information hits us so fast now from...
  3. Glinn

    Bump If You're Baked!

  4. Glinn

    Honesty! How honest are you?????

    agreed 100% less lying more toking
  5. Glinn

    Did we actually land on the moon?

    DUDE watching those videos baked gets you really paranoid o.o
  6. Glinn


    OH that looks like a Pokemon! Star-Nosed Mole Bubblebeam now!!!
  7. Glinn


    Duuuuuuuuude thats so not related to anything! haahahahahahaha
  8. Glinn

    Most magnificent weapon of mass destruction

    crazy stuff o.o
  9. Glinn

    Stuff to do while high etc...

    soooooooooooo :joint: Through the week I always smoke at home and I always end up watching TV or surfing in the computer doing nothing cool or new so I created this topic to ask for tips of what to do while high,some crazy music to listen to,some funny videos to watch...stuff like that :D...
  10. Glinn

    weed hallucinations?

    yeah i get a lot of that seeing people that I know in stranger...buts it isnt always cool I also distorse sounds a lot,people start talking in japanese and I kinda of think I'm understanding...weird but distorsing images a little bit is reallly common... oooooooooh almost forgot see shapes in...
  11. Glinn

    New growing idea!!

    Dude! I support you a 100% couse im really fucking baked right now obs: "you just made it 10x funnier!" LOL
  12. Glinn

    yo you bitches

    yeah dude, if you smoke you got to at least exercise and eat healthy "im stoned in my elbows."