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  1. GoldenSpiral

    Thought While High, Drawn While Sober

    I thought of something similar.. the scene from the movie Akira if anybody has seen it. I also thought of pink floyd
  2. GoldenSpiral

    Have You Ever..

    Wow im sober and this question is confusing the shit out of me... well maybe thats just my problem...:blsmoke:
  3. GoldenSpiral

    Thought While High, Drawn While Sober

    Im not sure what i think any of it means but i found the cross on the sun interesting given that the sun represents the divine in most religions..:neutral:
  4. GoldenSpiral

    My Art

    Nice work when will you be posting more?
  5. GoldenSpiral

    Help with resin use

    I second that.