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  1. S

    What was it?

    Do you know what SWIM and his friend took the other night? Because SWIM is sure it was not lsd.
  2. S

    What was it?

    SWIM came across about 5 blotters that were supposed to be LSD the other night. now SWIM is pretty sure it wasn't LSD, SWIM and his friend took 2.5 blotters each, and the high kicked in maybe 45 minutes after dropping and lasted maybe 5 hours. Visuals weren't all that great and lasted for about...
  3. S

    Is the lsd blotter still good?

    My penpal got ahold of some lsd blotters (4) and 1 of the blotters fell out of the aluminum foil. Now luckily it's in a lunchbox in the freezer, so my penpals a lsd blotter landed in the bottom of the lunchbox. Could it have been ruined? He is not sure how long it was in the bottom of the lunchbox.
  4. S

    LSD prices??

    Well for the price what would you expect the first price break would be and at what quantity?
  5. S

    LSD prices??

    My penpal has recently started getting into LSD. The person he knows is taking 10$ for a blotter. What would be the prices were he starts getting deals in these blotters? 1st post!!!!