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  1. M

    Pics of 5 pretty ladys two weeks into flower 1000 watt hps

    so the more cfl wats the better??? wats the minuium cfl wattage
  2. M

    cfl first timer

    ok so i have my closet im fitting four 5 gallon buckets acroos the floor in the closet. i was thining about using the big 100 wat cfl light. 1) How many cfl watage do i need for each plant and how many bulbs is that. Any newb advice is welcome with the cfl setup.
  3. M

    EVERY ONE on ROLL IT UP ....

    your dumb man wtf think about it
  4. M

    Topping V.S Bending (LST)

    yeahso i croped my plants once just to get the two heads goin on it and to make a little bushyier. we have them outdoors in a byunch of viens when they get bigger well just lay them down and tei an string to bend it over so thats th e ebst mehod right there i think
  5. M

    another toping question plz help

    so yeah i just toped my plants today for the first time in there young lives they are at there third set of leaves so i toped them carfully by cutting them carfully with sissors but yeah my question is how long before they start to show effect from the toping.
  6. M

    your opinion on miracle grow for outdoor

    wat is it???
  7. M

    if i do use miracle gro...

    use bloom buster when your plants start to bud
  8. M

    my first personal grow with PICS

    becasue they were crispy dead and the two tall ones
  9. M

    my first personal grow with PICS

    yeh thoes two plants are females getting rdy to bud in 30 days and the before the plant was at this potiiton its at now it was in no sun conditions then i tranfered it and pulled the leaves off bu thr leavs r growing back
  10. M

    my first personal grow with pics

    i have a quick question about the rain like when it rains does it help the plants in ne ways besides watering them??
  11. M

    Miami Growers

    352 baby!!!
  12. M

    very important sex qustion

    wat month is that?
  13. M

    very important sex qustion

    nah i planted them in the beggining of tis month and my area code is 352 can ne one find out when nature turns itself to 12/12
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    very important sex qustion

    im growing outside so i dont no whe they go into flower
  15. M

    very important sex qustion

    how many days after u can tell the sex of the plant do u have to get the males away from the females
  16. M

    Pic in my Gallery

    that third pic look like a male doesnt it caseit has balls
  17. M

    finished growing!!!

    congratz bro keep smoking that herb mary jane<3
  18. M

    one quick question

    hell yeah thanks bro
  19. M

    one quick question

    if i dont top my plants at all will the bud be more potent?