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  1. mrholland

    Gorilla seedbank review

    Just wanted to update. Gorilla went through great lengths to make good on their word. Just want to say thank you again to Sherry and Gavin. These two seriously go the distance. I don't think any other bank would have hung in there like they did. Insane customer service. :)
  2. mrholland

    Gorilla seedbank review

    Gavin has been awesome. He's who I reach out to when I don't hear back on my tickets. I usually just use e-mail, so haven't been too worried about it. But seriously, I know you all over @ Gorilla keep saying it's no biggie, but I'm totally cool with sending you extra $$ for all the trouble. Not...
  3. mrholland

    Gorilla seedbank review

    Unicorn... ha! Reminds me of that dating video:
  4. mrholland

    Gorilla seedbank review

    Purchased about 500$ worth of seeds, did the bitcoin thing which gave me a serious discount.. down to 400 and some change. Shipment 1 hits Chicago (Aprox. 4 weeks to door step) - DVD Method - Customs tears it apart and sends me the DVD's. I spoke with some chill dudes at Gorilla and let them...