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  1. M

    White Rhino PC Case Grow & More

    trim your lower dead leaves, it will helps ur plant alot ^^
  2. M

    First Grow. Stealthed.

    lol, nice wireing :P hehe dont bother giving them any nutrient stuff till their lyk atleast 10 cm big ^^ keep feeding them that block stuff though
  3. M

    Ever gotin your pet high

    Gotten many of the birds we have had stoned not on purpose but just coz we sit outside at the table n have our billy's n the cages are next to the table :P
  4. M

    First Grow. Stealthed.

    :D cant wate to see the new sprouts in pots of their own soon! What do you think would have caused that tear in the plants leaf?!? :(
  5. M

    First Grow. Stealthed.

    Yaa gets more light to them, how are the seeds going? coz all of them should be alive