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  1. E

    Harvest Question

    During the first growth the plant was basically one tall stalk with a few shoots growing up from the bottom. When I harvested it the first time I cut it down to about 10 inches. I grew back to about 20 inches before I sent it to bloom. It grew to about 36 inches. I's now back down to about 12 -...
  2. E

    Harvest Question

    OP here. This plant is actually already a reveg, which by the way for anyone reading this I HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend. I started this plant on July 2nd. I harvested it the first time to the tune of about an OZ on Sept. 28th. It had suffered through a serious mite situation and lack of...
  3. E

    Harvest Question

    So I started harvesting my female plant at 52 days and have been taking buds mainly from the top down for the last 15 days. I did this because I wanted to monitor the triclomes (sp) and sort of experiment with the strength and potency. Well I've gone from a plant that was a full 50 inches down...
  4. E

    Harvest Question

    So I started harvesting my female plant at 52 days and have been taking buds mainly from the top down for the last 15 days. I did this because I wanted to monitor the triclomes (sp) and sort of experiment with the strength and potency. Well I've gone from a plant that was a full 50 inches down...
  5. E

    Triclome question

    Triclome question for the very experienced: I'm working on a reveg of a plant that did pretty well the first time and is looking like it will do extremely well this time. Last time I harvested at 48 days of bloom and the triclomes (sp?) under the microscope were about 60% cloudy and 40% clear...
  6. E

    Is this bud rot

    I'm at about 6 1/2 weeks into flowering. Most of the main fan leaves have yellowed and fallen off. Now today I notice the tips of the small leaves in the bud starting to loose color and curl. Images attached. Is this bud rot or just another stage of flowering? I don't have a humidity tester...
  7. E

    What are the phases of flowering

    Here are a few pictures of the buds (I know not massive but it's what I got) a leaf (the light throws off the color and the whote deal. I don't want to couchlock effect. In fact the opposite. Honestly, I'm just excited as hell to be growing buds. Anymore info is apperciated. Great to have a...
  8. E

    What are the phases of flowering

    I know this probably depends on so many factors but I was wondering if anyone had any guidelines on the phases/stages of flowering. I'm asking because I'm about 40 days into flowering and today I noticed many leaves are turing yellow. So I checked a few threads and many seem to indicate it's...
  9. E

    One at a time or all at once

    Should some buds be harvested before others or should the whole plant be harvest at the same time?
  10. E

    The Double Harvest

    I've got a (one) female plant that has been through a lot to get to five weeks into bloom. The buds are small but encouraging. I've read that if you cut the buds off correctly new buds could reform in their place. Any one got any suggestions on this? Conversly, I've also thought about a...
  11. E

    Help What wrong with this plant and what can I do

    This plant is about 7 weeks old, just went into bloom appears at the early 12/12 stage to be female and has most leaves covered in these white spots. This has been going on since day one but now that it's a female I want to save the plant. Its growing in Fox Farm Ocean Forest and the only...
  12. E

    I've got a male and I'm going to smoke it but

    Hey guys. Original poster here. I am amazed to see this thread is still going. It's been like six weeks or something. Of course I'm still smoking that same male plant. If you want to say I'm retarted then go ahead. I've gotten high no less than 15 -20 times smoking this same plant for about a...
  13. E

    The Banana Method

    I saw a thread about putting bananas in/near young plants to assure female plants. Show of hands - whose done it? Is it 100%? When's the best time etc?
  14. E

    I've got a male and I'm going to smoke it but

    Well in the interest of catching a buzz when ever I want to I'm still smoking that plant. In the interest of this discussion I'm still bothering to up date the thread. First the report: I smoked another leaf tonight. It was from far lower on the plant than the first one I picked but not all...
  15. E

    Is it a he or a she

    your plant looks an aweful lot like the plant I grew. The one almost every single person on this forum told me to throw away. Which by the way is also the plant I decided to try and smoke anyway and is the plant that is currently getting me high. See this thread for the saga...
  16. E

    I've got a male and I'm going to smoke it but

    I smoked the rest of that leaf (we're still just talking about one leaf nothing else) last night and I'm going to say three things: First I am extremely glad I didn't listen to anyone of you people who said throw it away. That would have been a huge waste of time, effort and frankly marijuana...
  17. E

    I've got a male and I'm going to smoke it but

    I didn't say it was no good. I aslo said I smoked, cured it etc. this way primarily in the interest of this thread. Meaning I had to dry it the quickest way possible just to satisfy my curiosity. In otherwords you people just made me get high. Hahah I smoked the final third of the first bowl...
  18. E

    I've got a male and I'm going to smoke it but

    Ok fuck it. The debate had me thinking about it more and more and the leaf discussion only added to my curiosity and guess what... Now I've somked some. Before giving the result here's what I did I looked at the plant, its' now about 26 - 27 inces tall, it has been in 12/12 for ten days today...
  19. E

    I've got a male and I'm going to smoke it but

    Guys, OP here. First off let me say I haven't actually been following this thread because despite the fact that this is my first grow (AND it turned out to be a male) I'm actually newer to posting on message boards than I am on growing weed. So I did a little research and came across this...
  20. E

    I've got a male and I'm going to smoke it but

    I've confirmed it's a male. It's the only plant I have growing and rather than throw it out I know I'm going to smoke it at some point. The question is should I continue to let it grow, flower etc or stop wasting time. It just showed sex today and has been 12/12 for about a week. It's like 25...