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  1. X

    1st Minor, 6 cops, 1 K9, fireworks, and beer, sound fun?

    Way to keep your biz on the down low. If you want to stay in the game i suggest you change your habits, but maybe its too late.
  2. X

    1 week without water, yellow leaves, how to treat?

    Yes 90F is on the hot side. I had the same problem a week or so ago with temp. had to get an AC window unit. From what i have read yellow leaves from heat stress/ lack of water will stay yellow but new growth should be green. Aso don't expect rapid growth to continue for a week or 2.
  3. X

    Heat stress slowed growth

    My crop has stop its rapid growth after heat stress. I fixed the problem but growth upward for the past week is at a stand still. Is this normal? when will they start to grow again?
  4. X

    Heat stress slowed growth

    My crop has stop its rapid growth after heat stress. I fixed the problem but growth upward for the past week is at a stand still. Is this normal? when will they start to grow again?