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  1. TerribleTrichomes

    towelies 200w+92w CFL 5 fem powerplant growjournal

    Nice start, good luck with your grow buddy and once you start having your own bud around it's hard to compare to! Only shit I've got as good or better than mine came from my best grow buddy but the other guys I know just aren't doing it right with all them hydro nutes and nasty rw cubes ewwwww...
  2. TerribleTrichomes

    %((Fantastic Fluoro Frenzy))% 252wCFL Grow

    Well Towlie, I take cuts that are 4" and when I put them in the jiffy pellets they are about 2.5" and I veg till they hit 4"-5" and then flower cuz that is the sweet spot for my Thunder Goo strain to finish under the lights with one big cola and no branching. All strains have a "sweet spot" it's...
  3. TerribleTrichomes

    Ed Rosenthal Say's CFL's May be Better than HPS for Micro Growing

    As fotr the 10w LEDs they would be arranged in a configuration of 20-30 of them cuz the UFO uses 5w LEDs so I don't see what you are saying... Also I use nothing but 23w CFLs in my 1.5 sq ft cab and 42w in my 2.4sq ft cab and get the same results..
  4. TerribleTrichomes

    %((Fantastic Fluoro Frenzy))% 252wCFL Grow

    Yea I thought it was a Trainwreck cross for a while cuz I didn't know about Mr Nice's SSH I had only seen the Greenhouse version and was like bro our SSH has to be more TW but then that new High Times came out the plants in that garden and the close ups of the buds look dead on and then did some...
  5. TerribleTrichomes

    %((Fantastic Fluoro Frenzy))% 252wCFL Grow

    I'm still around, kinda mad the RIU staff hasn't answered my email and for that reason there is why I'm not buying a elite account cuz if they wont help me when I have a problem now how can I count on them to fix things when I'm paying for it?? Anyway I got some pics for you guys and gals...
  6. TerribleTrichomes

    Ed Rosenthal Say's CFL's May be Better than HPS for Micro Growing

    They have 10w 2700K LEDs now and I bet those work fine for flowering...
  7. TerribleTrichomes

    %((Fantastic Fluoro Frenzy))% 252wCFL Grow

    My SSHxTW takes 3 weeks usually but my others take 10-14 days in cubes, I like oasis cubes cuz they hold water longer than rock wool and a sheet of 104 was only $7. I started using those cuz every time I was given a clone from up north it came in a oasis 1" cube so I may stick with them but...
  8. TerribleTrichomes

    %((Fantastic Fluoro Frenzy))% 252wCFL Grow

    Well actually I would just keep the water half a inch from the top , but I am no longer using the bubble cloner cuz I switched my stuff around and it wasn't giving me the consistent results I need so I am using Oasis cubes and Rock Wool cubes with Root Tech cloning gel but plan to get Rapid...
  9. TerribleTrichomes

    %((Fantastic Fluoro Frenzy))% 252wCFL Grow

    Come on guys and gals I spent a lot of time putting those up ... Anyone else have any comments???
  10. TerribleTrichomes

    %((Fantastic Fluoro Frenzy))% 252wCFL Grow

    I can say it will increase you bud size and density thats for sure, I don't always use it but the times I have it worked great some say it leaves a bad taste in the bud but I didn't notice I guess I flushed real good
  11. TerribleTrichomes

    %((Fantastic Fluoro Frenzy))% 252wCFL Grow

    Ok folks so I have some new pics to share and hope you all enjoy... I would label everything but it took awhile to put all these up like this I know I should have...
  12. TerribleTrichomes

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    Looks good but I would still fill it with fluoros hahaha hows it going bro?
  13. TerribleTrichomes

    %((Fantastic Fluoro Frenzy))% 252wCFL Grow

    who gave me rep asking to pm me??
  14. TerribleTrichomes

    galaxy god bud

    EXACTLY!!!! Thats what I was trying to show my buddy who showed my the BCSEEDS site and was all about the strains they have like "LOOK IT SAYS STRONGEST PURPLE IN THE WORLD BRO!" I was like yea right from the jump and just recently did I start looking to see if anyone was growing any of this Pot...
  15. TerribleTrichomes

    BC Seeds "special deal"

    I have read the site before posting, I'm hoping to see someone grow it, I've also seen a few peeps say they got their orders and will post reviews. Like I said I saw pics of Purple Elephant on ICMAG by somebody who grew it from clone so I'm trying to find as much info as I can. I feel it's a...
  16. TerribleTrichomes

    Best TGA strain for commercial use?

    Like this? I found this on a Querkle I was helping trim...
  17. TerribleTrichomes

    Purple Reefer

    Hey Subcool I really want your opinion on something since you are who I look up to in breeding ect. This Purple Elephant strain is boggling my mind at the moment claiming to be the highest yielding most potent purple strain in the world! Thats a bit much not to mention charging $495 for a 10pk...
  18. TerribleTrichomes

    BC Seeds Upstate largest yeild?????

    Yea I'm not believing the hype either I was shown this site by a friend who got me into growing but I feel I have surpassed his skills and knowledge now. He was all about the Elephant Purple cuz of the Highest Yielding Most Potent Purple in the World!! claim... He plans to get the Purple...
  19. TerribleTrichomes

    galaxy god bud

    Yea I know right?? Strongest pot I've ever seen was this Elite Purple strain out of Mendocino and the shit made me puke after a bowl to the face and i'm NO LIGHTWEIGHT to this day none of these purples have lived up to it. Then I see this Elephant Purple and all these other ridiculous claims but...
  20. TerribleTrichomes

    BC Seeds "special deal"

    Yea I am dying to see this, I don't believe the guys but then again I have seen one photo on ICMAG in a thread somewhere and this dudes Elephant Purple was pretty fucking huge so it's possible but this Euphoria Unlimited shit no way!