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  1. fenny

    first time 400watt dr90 soil grow

    just a quick question how do i make a album an put pics off my computer onto my profile just keeps cumin up url in a box ?
  2. fenny

    first time 400watt dr90 soil grow

    yeah will keep you up 2 date when iv figured out how to work this fourm out bit of a caveman on a computer ug ug
  3. fenny

    first time 400watt dr90 soil grow

    so with my way of thinkin i would b getin 50 grams a plant if i had 4 in there but with the grow iv got goin at the mo the berry and the white rhino been veged for probly just over 3 monthes with the 400watter over them i shuld get 200 a plant or some where close if i can keep everything in the...
  4. fenny

    first time 400watt dr90 soil grow

    yeah thats what i was thinkin but could u get like 20 in there from seed or just a few less just a thought
  5. fenny

    first time 400watt dr90 soil grow

    thanks for the reply the2er how many do you put in at 1 time to flower ?
  6. fenny

    first time 400watt dr90 soil grow

    thanks for the reply the2timer hopefully they will make it as iv give em alot of shit since i poped em but there still here well 1 an a half that is lol
  7. fenny

    first time 400watt dr90 soil grow

    thanks barnbuster
  8. fenny

    first time 400watt dr90 soil grow

    hi fellow growers an wellcome to my first attempt at growin an postin im in my first week of flower they havent had the best of starts but there still going strong so hopefully they will make it to the chop wish me luck
  9. fenny

    how do you up load pics

    think iv managed to figure it out now still learning ug ug
  10. fenny

    newbie grower caveman on a computer

    hi fellow growers just signed up on here good place to learn an meet new peeps an chat about our indoor gardens with out anybody knowing who we are the way i like to keep it lol
  11. fenny

    how do you up load pics

    thanks for that il give it a go ug ug lol
  12. fenny

    how do you up load pics

    hi all im new on here and bit of a caveman i havernt got a clue how to up load my pics from my computer to my profile any body no ????
  13. fenny

    how do you up load pics
