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    Who's awake?

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    Doctor evil?
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    What do you mean?
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    Who's awake?

    What are those from? I swear I have seen more things on this website n the last two days then I have in my whole life. Or random things I should say.
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    I feel like I am way behind !!

    I did buy a beater with that 2k :) my trucks paid off so I know I won't lose that thank god :)
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    I feel like I am way behind !!

    Don't feel bad lol, it's my own fault for making stupid choices. I now have a decent job so I cen pick away at my dept.
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    Who's awake?

    Ohh, sorry stayed up last night remember? Kinda sleepy!!! You mean bong ripper?
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    Who's awake?

    Hhahahaha hahaha
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    Who's awake?

    What's a ripper?
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    Who's awake?

    lmfao no I didn't fall asleep I just started to watch a movie on Netflix and forgot about the thread I posted lol
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    Who's awake?

    You don't think security isn't a job? Try it bro!
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    Who's awake?

    You watch a greenhouse? For what reason
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    That's why no body will know if I ever actually start to grow!!!!
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    Alternate energy sources.

    Do you think you cen power a whole grow op with a wind mill? Or a few solar panels?? And if so how big of a grow op?
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    Vegg cab ventilation

    Now that makes sense now doesn't it lmfao, why didn't I think of that?
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    Who is worried about this? I mean this seems to be among the 5 top reasons grow ops get busted?
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    Who's awake?

    I wish I had some to smoke!
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    Who's awake?

    Where in the hell cen you get 24/7 sun?
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    Who's awake?

    Challenging to stay awake!!
  20. T

    Lil' Roach shares a video of his humble grow room

    There's the video I asked for!!! Thanks lilrouch