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  1. E

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    rofl not sure.. it was a bag seed!
  2. E

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    what do you guys think?
  3. E


    not sure what you mean about the buds. lol. thanks for the input though! :)
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    i lost count how many days i've been into flowering.. lol. so my question is do you guys think this is sufficient? i mean its got a lot of orange hairs on it, but the trichomes are still mostly clear and i've barely noticed any amber ones. i heard that it depends a lot on the strain, and...
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    Using cinnamon to get rid of fungus gnats.

    sorry i just noticed this reply.. i'm in soil. its organic and i believe that and the combination of over-watering is the culprit.
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    Using cinnamon to get rid of fungus gnats.

    i was just trying out a new method. i've heard of cinnamon working for it, but apparently i'm either doing it wrong or it doesn't work. oh well. guess i'll get some neem oil tomorrow. haha.
  7. E

    Using cinnamon to get rid of fungus gnats.

    ok, so i've check up on the plant today and there are fungus gnats just chilling on the cinnamon.. i'm not sure how long its supposed to take for it to kick it... but so far these bad boys are still alive and kicking.
  8. E

    Using cinnamon to get rid of fungus gnats.

    rofl. i'm not naive enough to fall for the cinnamon challenge! :) anyways, i've sprinkled about 1 tbsp on the soil. it smells nice. haha. i'm sure what everyone wants to know is how its working. well 2 hours into the treatment i've noticed the gnats flying around the plant and not landing on...
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    Using cinnamon to get rid of fungus gnats.

    well i've heard from many different gardeners that cinnamon is a safe and effective way to get rid of fungus gnats. i haven't tried any other methods so far, and cinnamon is the first on the list to try and get rid of these bastards. i'll try to update this thread as much as possible to let...
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    transplanting question?

    well i don't think i'm going to transplant it. seems like there might be some problems that i might encounter. i'm a noob at this so i wanna take the most safe routes. i appreciate all the advice, but i tried out the cinnamon as it seemed like the most harmless route. so far the gnats have...
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    transplanting question?

    hey guys, well i've been in flowering for about 3 days now (3 days since the white hairs have appeared, probably about 2 1/2 weeks since i switched to 12/12).. and i have a fungus gnat problem. so my question is this... is it safe for me to transplant her into a new pot to help fight these...
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    is this a male or female?

    just incase anyone was interested. they turned out to be a female. woot woot! :) i'll post pictures a little later.
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    is this a male or female?

    thanks! i accidentally uploaded the first one.. i hope you're right about it being a female! :) thanks again though.
  14. E

    is this a male or female?

    hey guys, i know i've posted this a couple of times now, but its been about 2 1/2 weeks since i've switched over to 12/12. could you guys take a peek at these and tell me if you think its a male or female?
  15. E

    yet again another sex question.

    sorry, yeah i'm in flower now. i keep checking this thing like there's no tomorrow. i suppose i'm getting a little anxious.
  16. E

    yet again another sex question.

    lol.. sounds like i need a talking about the birds and the bees. anyways, here is the pic. thanks in advanced for looking at it for me. =D
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    is this a male or female?

    thanks. definitely proud of this one. now all i'm hoping for is that it'll be a female. :)
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    is this a male or female?

    yeah so far its only been about 7 days. haha. guess i'm getting a little impatient..
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    is this a male or female?

    i thought so, but i was a bit concerned cuz it looked like a nut sack. haha. thanks man.
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    is this a male or female?

    it still may be too early, but what do you guys think? its my first "successful" grow... lol.. thanks in advanced for taking a look.