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  1. B


    Well, as no one else seems to have, I did. They should have named it "dazzed and confused" instead of SuperNova. All I can say is that it is a religious experience.
  2. B

    Strongest Strain Known To Man?

    Finishing a Super Nova grow as I speak. Flashed dried one bud and found the taste nasty, but the high was unreal. Will be taking them down within the next week for drying and curing. Hope to be able to report it is the best I have ever smoked.
  3. B


    Has anyone grown out this new seed? And does it measure up to the 25% THC claim or the $110 cost for 10 seeds in your opinion?
  4. B

    Strongest Strain Known To Man?

    Well, I browsed thru all the posts and see no mention of "Super Nova". Suppose to be the latest out of Amsterdam. It's been out there for over a year, so certainly someone must have grown it out by now. They claim it has 25% THC, which is the most I have seen listed for any seed at any of the...