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  1. W

    Hey so check this out i got an EMAIL from the site runner of this website and he was all like "click my ads, support our site" im like your a broke ass bitch you know... < i think its some scammer bullshit too he was asking for a copy of my ID and MEDCARD. i was like...
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    overages website.!

    yoyoyo new website to post your overages on. better than craigslist. try it out
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    michigan medical marijuana news!??!?

    Yo bro check it those were old ass plants. i photographed in the wild want real shit. check this. @ at all the haters, if you want good pics and for real info chack out that site i found some nice shit! on it haha FYI CHECK THESE PICS OUT JERKS TRYING TO RIP ON ME< i mean yee...
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    michigan medical marijuana news!??!?

    Hey guys im a michigan medical marijuana patient and i just wanna say i dont like bill shouttee or these new laws i think they gettin to personal considering i be embarrassed about a doc callen to follow up thatd be weird. i read about it on this website theres some new stuff going down in...
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    Soul Synthetics 2012 Bud Review

    The DANK 1st harvest This is Apollo 13 grown with 400w HPS Soul Synthetics Nutrient Line PLEASE WATCH MY VIDEO
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    Check out Aurora made Soul Synthetics

    Yo I grew these on Soul Synthetics, under a 400w HPS Roots Organics Soil Got Pics attached, Check My Video. appreciate feed back i highly recommend my setup
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    Questions about school and possession laws.

    ok, fellas i know its bad to bring weed to school for many reasons. 1 being the dogs. so i've been thinking about last resort reasons if i absolutly need to bring some. Idea: my school has a parking lot for the students, that you have to pay to get a permit. Say on the day a had a little bit...
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    Weed Tea

    this idea too wonders me.
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    Best Game While Stoned!

    no the best game is call of duty 4!!!! 100% kick ass
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    First grow!!!! Pics!!!!

    These are pictures of my first grow ever! There has been a little trimming because it was getting a little cluttered in there. I water every 3 days or sometimes 2 days if its really hot. QUESTIONS Whats the white fuzz with little things living in it (on picture 2)? is there anyway...
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    Easy to make pipe

    i doesnt ignite plastic... dont believe me.. try it
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    Easy to make pipe

  13. W

    Easy to make pipe

    Ok this is a simple to make pipe. first eat some tic-tac's,then pop off the white top, then melt a hole in the box with a match, then let it cool, then place a aluminum foil bowl in the hole. (optional to glue the bowl on to box) THEN SMOKE IT!!! :peace: :peace:
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    First Grow 08

    These are pictures of my first grow ever! There has been a little trimming because it was getting a little cluttered in there. I water every 3 days or sometimes 2 days if its really hot. QUESTIONS Whats the white fuzz with little things living in it (on picture 2)? is there anyway...
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    force flowering

    ok. this isnt the treditional force flowering but... if i were 2 inslead of putting a bucket over it, i would move it into a shady area. i was high when i thought of it... advice welcome!!!
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    Michigan weed?

    yeah my friends a fag..
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    Topping V.S Bending (LST)

    i'd say topping. just because then you get to keep some leafs
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    Michigan weed?

    18.........*for teen*:hump:
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    Michigan weed?

    my friend told me that in michigan you cant get high off the weed grown outdoor because rain washes away the THC. i dont think its true but still. if so how do i keep THC from washing away. :confused:
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    Help! Male or Female ?

    i would say femail but not positive