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    First Grow | PC Box

    Sorry for lack of updates but here are some updates. I really caint wait to finish this plant because I messed up on it so much.
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    First Grow | PC Box

    I believe we have a female on this end. And I really need to get some better soil, also i hope to transplant soon as she is getting a little big in her solo cup. Enjoy the picture.
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    First Grow | PC Box

    Another little update from the past 2 days. She has gained some new sets of leaves and I did some LST to try and keep her laying low. Also my second seed will be going into some soil tomorrow, which is pretty exciting. PICS!
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    First Grow | PC Box

    Honestly dude this is my first grow, and im not going to pretend like i know anything cause I really don't! I took a random bagseed and put it on 12/12. This time around will really be a learning experience, to see if I want to continue to grow. Look around the forums and im sure youll find your...
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    First Grow | PC Box

    Also Can anyone try and tell me what strain this might be? It is just a bagseed, so it probably wont be anything special.
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    First Grow | PC Box

    I plan on having her end up laying sideways but with the current pot she is in i cant do that so well. so im just letting her grow and eventually she will be LST'd sideways, as my box hardly has any vertical room and has more than enough horizontally.
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    First Grow | PC Box

    WOW! Noticed huge growth today in her leaves that were just so small yesterday! I really want to get better soil and transplant her into her final home ASAP. I also started germing another seed as a back up incase this one ends up male.... Enjoy the pics.
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    First Grow | PC Box

    Well fuck! I thought since I was doing 12/12 it would sex faster. Yea and those are just future branches right?
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    First Grow | PC Box

    Here are some pictures of what i believe are the pistils. She is also sprouting tons of new leaves. When can I expect to see some branching? or more growth on her lower stem.
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    First Grow | PC Box

    2nd day being the box and she is loving it. New set of leaves coming in at the moment, can't wait for her to start branching out.
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    First Grow | PC Box

    its around the mid 70's
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    First Grow | PC Box

    Yea, Im going to see how it does in its new home. Ive been checking the temps and their running around 79-82 degrees. Now that its under 3 lights not my desk lamp im hoping it will take off!
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    First Grow | PC Box

    A little update. and i lost track of the days so whatever. I think I may be seeing some girl parts on this plant really excited about that. Pics of her over the past couple days and my setup which is now almost finished just need to work on light proofing the case. Also new soil is needed but Im...
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    First Grow | PC Box

    DAY 5 Nothing to crazy happened today, it seems to be reaching towards the light which why its bending so im going to start putting it closer to the light hoping it doesn't get to hot and burn her and that it will straighten it out. Also quick question: When should I start to LST? Is there no...
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    First Grow | PC Box

    Right now I just have a 4 2700k CFL's I found lying around the house, that will be going into my box. But until my box is finished its just sitting under my desk lamp which is a 15W 2700k.
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    First Grow | PC Box

    Yea that was the plan! This current soil isn't absorbing the water nicely at all.
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    First Grow | PC Box

    Okay so this is my first grow ever! I will be doing this inside of an old PC case I had laying around. The case is relatively small compared to others but it should work just fine with some nice LST. My PC box is not finished right now, but should be done within the week. Once it is finished I...