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  1. C

    What is the best portable herb/concentrate vaporizer on the market today?

    AVOID ATMOS I ordered a atmos optimus and seperate atmos nail. The optimus attachment don't work well to begin with at all and after a month was non-functional the Atmos nail worked okay and lasted about 2 months until the battery gave out. I was highly disappointed and the "customer service"...
  2. C

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    I had spider mites a few years ago. I went to my local garden store and got Organic Insecticidal Soap. The mites disappeared fast and I never saw any since. FYI, I got the mites after I purchased a clone from a dispensary. (They blamed miracle grow soil.)
  3. C

    Need to clone asap. How soon can I?

    skunk does have a point. I don't know what your growing situation is like so I cant pretend to know the best setup for you but I do know that I kept a mother under a clamp light and growing vigorously by using a Y adapter for light bulbs and 2 23w daylight cfl's. In a closet. If you insist on...
  4. C

    Need to clone asap. How soon can I?

    Most people will do the opposite of what you plan. if the plant is a male all the clones will be male. I've never heard of cloning an immature plant and coming up with different sexes. Than again I've also never clone an immature plant. I'm not saying it's not possible I'm just saying you'r...
  5. C

    Need to clone asap. How soon can I?

    I usually cut 6" clones but I've cut a mother down to a single bud site about 2" above the soil when I was low on time and she ended up becoming a 5' tall bush before I discontinued growing that strain. *EDIT* I forgot to mention this only works well if your using a feminized strain. If you use...
  6. C

    trying to understand vaping

    Scott, If your real big on getting the same effect as combustion one consideration might be to try vaping concentrates. I find it offers the best of both worlds. That is it allows you to get the benefits of smoking with the much less harsh feeling of vaping. My mother used to vape herb to both...
  7. C

    How do you use your volcano?

    Crab sorry about the delayed response. I have a routine I always stick to.. I own the solid valve and use turkey bags so they are a lot bigger... I do as follows. 1 Bag @ Starting temp 1 Bag @ Starting temp+10*C 1 Bag @ 220*C If I'm using dank I measure and grind out .3-.5 grams depending on my...
  8. C

    How do you use your volcano?

    I start out at 175C/ 347F for dank 188C/ 370F for mid to low I work up to 220C/ 428F for the last bag.
  9. C

    Swamp Cooler through Light Hoods? +REP

    I hate to dig up a year old thread as my first post but I wanted to clear up the misconceptions about swamp coolers. I currently run (3) 600W HPS/MH in swamp cooler air cooled reflectors and have been for over a year now. The only condensation I have ever seen was when I had RH issues in my...