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  1. kushh kid

    clones that have begun to flower ???

    sounds like an autoflowering strain. good luck, peace
  2. kushh kid

    first outdoor grow

    my seed was from some good quality dro that i got from a quarter, so i have no clue what strain it is. I have not added any nutes so far but the potting soil i am using i believe has nutes, its called miracle grow growers mix:joint:
  3. kushh kid

    first outdoor grow

    will a 5 gal. paint bucket do the trick for transplanting her?
  4. kushh kid

    first outdoor grow

    thanks for everyone advice! will take into consideration:blsmoke:.
  5. kushh kid

    first outdoor grow

    alright... will do thanks
  6. kushh kid

    first outdoor grow

    hello, this is my first outdoor grow. I planted the seed on june 17, 2008 and i was wondering if anyone could help me sex it. This picture was taken today and she is 3 weeks old. Thanks for you help!:joint: